
Are you a vegetarian or a omnivore?

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  1. omnivore, nom nom nom meat<3

  2. Omnivore, though i only eat a few kinds of meat.

  3. carnivore(i'm a dinosaur)i will eat you alive!!!>.<...

  4. both.

    An Omnivore is a classification of species - all humans are omnivores.

    I CHOOSE to also be a vegetarian.

  5. Omnivore working on eating less meat.

  6. Vegetarian --> Vegan.  

  7. Vegetarian. :)

  8. Veg =)

  9. vegetarian

  10. Pescetarian (a vegetarian that eats seafood)!

    Actually, I'm a really constricted pescetarian because I don't eat crustaceans or scallops or anything...just fish (plus fruits and vegetables of course).

  11. I eat a sensible diet made up of a variety of vegetables and meats.

  12. A Vegan

  13. I'm an omnivore but still a healthy eater. I ushually get an odwalla or naked juice smoothie and some roasted almonds when we stop by a gas-station. I working on eating very limited amounts of meat. I loves fruit and vegetables, but I'm not sure If I will ever be able to ditch california rolls. I think fish will always have a place in my diet. I could easily be a pescetarian though. Maybe I be one when I go off to college.

    Amy J, If you are going to be an omnivore than vegetables,fruits,and pastas need to be the base of your diet followed by small amounts of meat,eggs,dairy,and fish. Otherwise I would bet on you not living past 80.

  14. Omnivore~

  15. Vegetarian!

    Love it

  16. i am a vegan. u should try being a vegan for a day if you are not.

  17. Omni

  18. veggie.  Eating dead critter's doesn't work for me

  19. i guess a omnivore.  i eat alot of meat & pasta but not a whole lot of veggies.  yuck lol.  but i eat some though.  Ã¢Â™Â¥Ã¢Â™Â¥Ã¢Â™Â¥

  20. vegan.  

  21. Vegetablarian :)

  22. Omnivore

  23. Like all humans, I am a biological omnivore.  However, I am also a vegan, so I eat like an herbivore.

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