
Are you a vegetarian/vegan/ or do you eat meat? And what are your reasons?

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I love vegtables but Im a huge meat eater. I love beef and seafood and chicken.. im just curious if you dont eat meat what your reasons are and how you feel about those who do. I personally think that if you do it for health reasons.. excellent. if you do it to 'save the animals' or something like that.. its pointless. its going to get eaten weather you eat it or not. and in my house we eat ALOT of meat.. so we are definately making up for some of those of you who dont. just my opinion though.. how do you feel about it?




  1. vegeterian...I eat eggs and cheese, but no meat, fish or chicken.  I don't do it for ethical reasons, cos I wear leather shoes and stuff like that.  I just don't like the taste of meat, nor the smell of it cooking.

  2. whatch vedios of animals dying and how they come to your plate

    tell me can you keep eating what you do know.

    im onn my way to become a vegan

    im almost there =)

    ive been told and seen what people do to those poor creatures.

    animals are just like us.

    plus every vegan saves 100 animals a year no matter what.

    think about it .

    also vegans save the envioment.

    slaughter houses are the 1# couse of enviomental problems. people just don't know it.

    they are goning to be eaten of courxe but i want them to be eaten less and try not to kill em so harshly.

    like seriously have you seen what they do to them ?!

    ITS ******* CRAZY.

    i try to convince my friends and stuff to stop eating meat and stuff to become a vegetarian.

    ive actuazllty done it to a few of my friends.

    qnd the others i just respect the fact they just have to be meat eaters .

    plus; when you eat meat and S**t like that it might be really bad for you.

    it couses illnesses

  3. I have too many health concerns and a lot of meats are full of junk that I don't want. In addition, digesting meat is really hard on my system. I've been eating macrobiotic way and chewing food is central to this. One guy said to me, "Go ahead. You can eat meat, ...if you want to chew each bite a 1000x." Since avoiding meat, my health has improved a lot, but I still have a ways to go.

  4. I was vegetarian, but now I've developed a serious allergy to legumes. That means no beans, no lentils, no soy, no peanuts, etc. In combination with my existing milk and nut allergies, I'm pretty much left with meat for my protien, whether I like it or not. I've been to a nutritionist and now eat eggs and fish and am starting to break in on chicken. It was so offensive to me at first, but you know something, I think my inner carnivore is making a comeback. Ask me in a year and I bet I'm eating baby lamb and veal with both hands.

  5. i eat meat and lots of it!!!!

  6. I am a vegetarian. I HATE the way the animals are treated before they reach your plate. And it grosses me out. And it is not fuggin pointless beacuse of the animals. I also do it becasue it is good for the environmeant. A Vegetarian uses less than 1000 fresh water gallons a day with their meals. A meat eater uses over 3000. The meat has the be processes etc etc. The grass has to be watered taht the cows eat, and so forth.  I feel it is not riht that we raise animals to eat. imagine, that is like growing a human baby and then when they are 5-10 years old, some tihng eats them. Not right. Plus, vegetarians are healthier, and they do not pollute as much. Animals (cows) give off methane gas and we are ruining the environment with our masses of cows!

  7. If you do not eat meat, less meat will be produced, and you will actually have an impact.  However, I eat meat because the human body is designed to be omnivorous.  That is, to eat both meat and plant matter.

    If we were meant to be vegetarians, we would not have such pointy canine teeth designed for tearing meat.  Also, vegetarians often have to take supplements to stay healthy, as they don't get the nutrients they need from meat.

    A good friend of mine who is a vegetarian often has sores on his lips, which he says are from lack of something since he won't eat meat.

  8. I eat everthing.

  9. In this day and age, almost all meat is laden with herbicides, fungicides, pesticides and other chemicals that are sprayed on or poured into the feed, which these animals consume.  They are also pumped full of toxic hormones, antibiotics, growth stimulators and all kinds of drugs to fatten them up and keep them from dying from the extremely unhealthy conditions most of them live in!  This is not to mention the admitted fact that many of them are fed the dead, ground up carcasses of other feed lot animals who, for a variety of shocking reasons, didn't make it to the slaughterhouse & markets.  

    Speaking of the animal slaughterhouse, what kind of chemical reaction do you suppose would occur in your body if somebody put a choke chain around your neck to keep you in line, shoved you onto a conveyor belt, and made you watch in horror as all of those in line in front of you were beheaded one by one?  Well your body would e pumped so full of adrenaline from all that fear you wouldn't know what hit you!  Unused adrenaline is extremely toxic.  If you think for a minute that most of the meat that you consume is not packed with this toxic substance, you’re sadly mistaken!  

    Also, consider the fact that cattle, sheep, chickens, etc., are all vegetarians.  When you eat them, you are eating polluted vegetables.  Why not skip all the waste and toxins and just eat healthy, organic vegetables and fruit?

    And what about that myth that you have to eat meat to get your protein?  If that were so true, where do you suppose farm animals, especially horses, get all their protein?  They are vegetarians!  They get their protein from the grains and grasses that they eat.  You’re no different.  You can get the proteins you need from the large variety of whole grains, soy, raw nuts, seeds, beans, fruits and vegetables that God put on this planet for your health.

  10. i do eat meat but have always wanted to try a veg lifestyle for a month. i feel i need to be in the proper situation to be successful in that. i would love to do a meat "detox" due to the health concerns (the hormones and antibiotics pumped into these critters). i agree with you though, if you don't eat that flesh someone else will.

  11. I eat meat, I only eat fish and chicken though, other meats are gross to me


  12. I'm a vegatarien, but simply because I don't like the actual texture of meats such as chiken and turkey.

    It's very hard if I go to France seeing as they are such big meat fans there, and I end up taking my own veggi things.

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