
Are you a vegetarian/ vegan?

by  |  earlier

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If you are why and if you aren't why?




  1. I only eat meat on a rare occasion, but I can understand why a lot of people choose to be vegetarian/vegan. I didnt know how bad animal cruelty was until I started reading answers here.

  2. Vegan for health, animal rights, peace, love, and spiritual reasons.

  3. I used to be vegetarian, and I was vegan for a period of time. While I don't think it's wrong to eat meat, I do believe that the meat/dairy industry is completely corrupt and needs to be changed immediately. I was vegetarian/vegan for almost solely environmental reasons. I do think it's strange to eat/drink milk from another animal though. That milk wasn't meant for us, it was meant for a baby cow/goat/whatever. Imagine your cat drinking your breast milk! It's weird! I'm a hypocrite though because I still eat cheese and yogurt, etc. I hate cow/goat milk though, soy milk is so much better!  

  4. I'm not coz i will always be hungry unless i eat meat :D

  5. Yes I am. It was right for me. I love animals and don't want to eat them. My husband eats meat, and sometimes it can be tricky for us. When I travel I have trouble sometimes. I love to cook and collect veggie cookbooks. I wouldn't go back for anything.

  6. Nope not a veg, don't desire to be one. I'm a true omnivore. If people want be veg, it's fine with me. to each his own. I don't seek to convert vegs away from their choice and I expect the same from them. Some people feel it's wrong for them to contribute to the killing of animals and some people don't. Keep that in mind extravagnz....

  7. well I'm not!!


    but cuz my mom don't let me!!

    cause I'm 13 and I'm growing up so I need to eat meat and fish!!


    but I don't want to!!

    cause make me sad eat animals!!

    eat criatures with life and feelings!!

    and ppl just kill them for eat!!!


    that's sad...  

  8. No, I am not ... but no other reason than I haven't decided I wanted to be one.  I cannot see anything wrong with it; most likely a nice healthy way of eating

  9. I am a vegetarian because I just don't like meat and I am allergic to seafood. It's amazing how ppl automatically assume that vegetarians and vegans are what they are because they think it's cruel to kill animals. Sure it's cruel how they kill most of them. but that's NOT the reason I became a vegetarian. I just stopped liking meat.  

  10. I'm not. I don't think it's wrong to kill animals. We're at the top of the food chain, enjoy it.

  11. Yes, I'm vegan. For the rest of you, how the h**l can you not see what's "wrong" about slaughtering animals for food that you can easily get the nutrients through vegan/vegetarian food that actually tastes BETTER then meat because it doesn't have all the additives and chemicals. Try some Morningstar Farms "meat" and then try "your meat" You'll be disgusted. I'm mainly vegan for the animals, couldn't deal with knowing that I was contributing to the percentile killing the animals, and for my overall health.

  12. I'm trying to become a Pescetarian (I have to eat fish for protein otherwise I pass out) because I know that animals are tortured in slaughter houses and their whole lives. But I'm taking baby steps to get my body weened off of meat. I don't eat red meat, just chicken and fish. Soon, I'm going to stop eating chicken.

  13. i have been a vegetarian since i was 10. i just stopped liking eating meat. i never ate a whole lot of meat anyway, but i stopped wanting to eat it at all. i had known where meat came from for a long time, but that didn't bother me (i mean i knew it was animal tissue, i didn't hear the slaughterhouse horror stories till years later).

    although, about 2 years after i became vegetarian, my parents told me i had wanted to be one when i was 7, but they told me i needed to eat more vegetables and eggs, to ask again when i was 10. i had completely forgotten!

  14. Veg@n- because I don't think it's necessary to put an animal through all that pain just for my taste buds, plus it's more healthy to me.

  15. Yes, its healthier to be one.


  17. I'm a vegetarian, going on 4 yrs now:)

  18. I'm a vegetarian!  I became one because meat got too costly and I never really cared for meat in the first place! I did like the convenience of pogo pops and weiners though!   I remain vegetarian because I'm healthier being a vegetarian!  I don't believe in a so called meat eating chain.. if there was such  how come rabbits, cows, goats, and horses don't eat meat?  

  19. Vegetarian.

  20. no I like meat

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