
Are you a virgin, a career-oriented, educated woman, or "nice girl" ? tell me what ya think about guys!?

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I was listening to the radio this morning. Several callers were women in their early twenties who either "have it together" (meaning they have jobs, education, or both) or are working to get it together (i.e., completing a degree program, actively looking for a career, focusing on their futures, etc.) The women were complaing about the twenty-something men who seem to have no clue about how to live life successfully. The women described them as still living at home with their parents, or having dead-end jobs, no education, immaturity, and who abuse drugs and alchohol as if they were still in high school. oh yeah, and Xbox. What i want to know is how you ladies handle these guys? I'm still a virgin by choice, 22, actively looking for a career and am enrolled part-time in grad school. yet i still seem to attract men who, to put it nicely, are losers. i've even attracted one with mental illnesses! How do you ladies handle these losers and where on earth do you find the "nice guys?" Did you, yourself, ever attract the less-than-desirable of man kind? im starting to think nice guys are an endangered species. It's incredibly frustrating not to be able to start a family or a solid relationship and I wonder how our parents did it so successfully! tell me your thoughts on this hot subject! thanks!




  1. Attraction is based mostly on looks, if you attract phsychos and retarded people, I would get a make over.

  2. It's hard to find a good enough guy because guys in the west are taught to believe that destructivenss is manly. Result is there are few adequate mates, but lots of man sized guys with peanut sized brains. Except, they focus all their energy on manipulating women. It is hard to find a regular mature guy, but, take heart, they are around.

    As for me I outsourced and found a great guy who emmigrated to the US, he works hard, not on drugs or Al, and is educated.

    We are different, but I love him.

  3. At 18 I am getting enrolled in college and am about to have two jobs. I also attract some not so nice guys. But I have also attracted nice guys. i dont plan to be in a relationship until I am through completing college..atleast thats the plan lol. I hope it works I am also a virgin and love working and plan to continue with my education. I say who needs a guy at this point right? I mean I still want to be loved and cared for but not quite yet. In a couple of years. I dont want to be side tracked ;)

  4. Look no I am, the "nice" guy lol, jus kidding

    but yea most of the guys in early 20s dunt kno what to do with thier lives...and there is nothing wrong with staying with parents if you work hard and go to school. You can save time and lots of money. Im 19 and Im studying engineering and live with my parents. But after I finish my education I am not sure where to go from there, but I do play video games, like to have fun, but i dunt drink or smoke...

    well good luck

  5. I personally think you may be setting your expectations a tad too high assuming you are some major prize. While you seem to be a very driven, intelligent, and respectable young woman, you still come off as a tad arrogant like no man could possibly be good enough for you.

    I know plenty of young men in their 20s still living at home and even play video games. I know men in their 30s and 40s who play video games. Some are married, others not. All are great, wonderful men. Some are educated with some amount of college or with a degree in hand (ranging from A.A.s to Master's), others are simply day to day blue collar employees who are incredibly responsible. Nearly all engage in some alcohol drinking.

    When it comes to living with parents, well, times are tough. Not everyone (especially young people under 30) can afford to live on their own with the rising energy and food costs. I am 27, married, and we still struggle financially from time to time. My husband is 40 and a wonderful man but he still spends a lot of time with his mother and plays Xbox besides. I find it hysterical and join in with him and his friends when they play.

    It's all about balance. I have a career, a wonderful husband who is educated but still somewhat immature and drinks, and good friends. You find the right guy by being open to different men. Sometimes the men you immediately label as losers are actually quality men. If you brush them off without ever giving them a chance, how do you really know they are complete losers? You don't.

    Lighten up a little and be more willing to try new things with men. Obviously know your boundaries with regards to s*x but in relationships be more open-minded. Expectations are okay until they get too high and you start acting like no one is good enough for you or worse, you label everyone as an immature loser.

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