I'm 23 and I have honestly never wanted a child. I didn't want to play with dolls or play house when I was little. I like kids but only in small doses and I hate when people hand me babies as I have no idea what to do... babies and I just don't connect, whereas I see most girls cuddling and cooing at them naturally and for me, I just feel emotionless. Both my mother and her own mother developed anxiety, anger and depression issues after having babies, and my mother only had me, and I was a pretty good kid. I have ADHD and I know I would make a bad mother as I need my own space and I find babies really irritating, and I can barely keep my own life organised. I do have really good connections with kids but that's more on a friend/mentor basis and not as a caretaker (I always get distracted even when they're doing something dangerous). So I'm pretty sure motherhood isn't for me. I'm scared that I'll have this terrible urge to get pregnant regardless...