
Are you a working wife or a house wife? Which one do you think does more?

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Which one are you and which one do you think works the hardest? Explain why.

Thanks! Honest answers please!




  1. Hello, I am a working house wife.  I have a 15 month old son, who was a preemie, and has many health issues etc.  I also look after a 3 year old and an 11month old.  

    You can't really say who does more.  If a mother works out of the house and comes home to make dinner and clean house etc for her family, than she does a lot.  But, a mother who is at home, teaching her children all they know and cooking and cleaning (am possibly working out of her home) also, does a lot.  However, you may have more breaks (while kids nap etc)

    There is no set in stone answer for this.  If a stay at home mom does nothing around the house... than obviously she doesn't work very hard.  But, everyone's situation is different... who are we to judge who works harder.  If you are happy, and your family is happy and you can make it work... working out of the home or staying home, than that is all that matters.

  2. My wife stays home with our 4 children and home schools our two oldest too.  She works harder than I have EVER worked at my job!

    NOW that is not to say other jobs might be more physically demanding than mine BUT as for me and my wife she works a heck of a lot harder than I ever do!

  3. I work full time. But I also take care of all the house work! I cook, clean, laundry etc. I think they both do alot of work! Keeping a house clean is very hard, esp if you have a hubby/spouse that doesn't pick up after themselves!  

  4. Sorry I am not going to get in to the whole "Who does more" thing, because you know what, being a wife and mother is a hard job, and working in a secular job is hard work, we all do well and do the best we can in our own way, so no one is better, we are all awesome!

  5. That's a tie, Honey.  Both  is  hard job let me tell you. working at home or in the office I have done both.

  6. What does it matter...who is keeping score.  

  7. I am a working mother. I honestly feel that a stay at home mother does much more. I don't have the naps and lunch and breakfast. I don't have the clean up, dishes, laundry, toys. That's a chef, housekeeper, mother all in one!

  8. If the house wife has children then she works harder by far.  If not then I guess the working wife.  I'm a working wife but will be a house wife once we have children.  I was a house wife for a month and couldn't handle it.  I was so bored but I made some good meals during that month.  My husband and I had everything from scratch and very gourmet with appetizers included for him when he came home.

  9. think it depends on 1. what kind of job the working mom has and 2. if the working mom goes home and cook and cleans..Both do work hard and I don't think one is any better then the other!

  10. I've been both - new mum, so not working right now. In or out of the house, a wife's work is never done.

  11. I have been in both positions.  

    It's difficult for working wives, especially with children, since we put in a full day at work, then come home to more work:  cleaning, laundry, cooking, yard work, homework help, sports practice, etc.  By 10:00 p.m., we are spent, there is still so much to do, but then it's time to get ready for the next day.

    Although stay at home wives don't have full time jobs away from home, they still have all the same responsibilities plus more is required of them at home since people figure they are there already -- many of the chores a husband could help with end up being the wife's responsibility.  Also, many people ask for a housewife's help with various things -- they figure she's not "working" so she probably has more time, ie, baby sitting sick babies that day care won't let stay, taking grandma to the doctor, coordinating the school parties, sticking around the house all day for a special package to be delivered, preparing all the holiday meals, etc.

    Yeah, I have been in both positions, and must say that wives who work outside of the home have it a little bit easier .... not much, but a little bit.

  12. IT is impossible to do both together. It is almost impossible to be a housewife  alone without a job and do it well since it is quite filled with menial tasks that require the same organizational skills as one would use in the office. It is both demeaning and depressing but yet a more important job one could not find. It is the most important job in the world to provide a good home for children and/or even a home without children. Maintenance of the house in a Martha Stewart way  as well as maintenance of the persons residing there with loving care is difficult yet crucial. The most satisfying  thing is to go to a job each day and be rewarded with a paycheck; but the most important and meaningful thing to do  with longer lasting effects  is to provide a warm home.

  13. The working wife because she works AND probably does most of the housework.

  14. I'm both. I work a full time job and do the cooking and cleaning...they're both a lot of work!

  15. I've worked since I was in highschool.  Now, I'm a housewife.  My kids are in school.  So, I'm at home most of the day.  I do WAY more now than I've done before.  Since I'm at home, no one picks up after themselves like they used to, and I feel guilty having my husband clean up after work like he used to.  This job consists of constant cleaning, cooking and shopping.  And it's always the same darn thing.  I also take care of all the doctors appointments, car maintenance, mow the lawn, etc.. It gets lonely, too.  I'm considering going back to work.  It's going to be a shock to everyone to have to pitch in again, I bet.

    And along with all that, when you tell people that you don't have a 9 to 5 job, they think you do nothing.  So I get no respect.

  16. A working wife has it the hardest.  Not only do we put in 40+ at the office then we go home to work cook, clean, help kids with home work so there is another 40+ with weekends.  Working woman are supper heroes!

  17. I'm all of the above. I work a full 8 hour job M-F, I go to school 2 nights a week and I do all my wifely duties as well as make sure my children a well taken care of. Each task has just as much work as the other

  18. Working wife. Usually she has a job and a half, whereas hte housewife only has the one.

  19. I myself am a house wife. Taking care of the home the kids myself the hubby. It is a very hard job indead. I used to work but chose to stay home. I believe a working wife has alot of responsibilities to, they work then come home and do the family and home thing, I know I did that. I truley believe its a very tight race who works the hardiest they both  do...

  20. Not a wife (obviously) but.  Seems to me it shouldn't be a competition between the two groups.  Both work hard and both contribute greatly to the family.  

  21. I've done the same time for many years...I think honestly it was harder to leave the home and work at a job then it was to stay home and take care of the house and children.  Lets face do your laundry and house cleaning when you feel like it and you answer to no one.  You can take your time doing it also.  Some women out there are working in factories or fast food or as maids cleaning hotels or picking crops.  I think us stay at home moms are really blessed and need to appreciate the fact that we can stay at home and turn the tv on or read the newspaper whenever we get a chance.

  22. I would have to say that the working mom has the harder job.  When you work all day and then go pick up the kids, cook dinner, clean up and then wash clothes, give baths and put kids in the bed all by 9:00.  You have worked your a** off.  I have done both.  I would take the stay at home mom any day if we could afford it.    

  23. As a divorced mother of two, I'm both.  I work a full time job and am also responsible for all of the upkeep of our home.  Each of these responsibilities is hard work in its own way.  

    My job is technical and is very mentally taxing.  My group works on tight deadlines and the stress level becomes incredibly high at times.  I'm working through lunch more days than not and there is a constant demand to produce results.  I'm in management so if things don't get done it all comes down on me.  It's definitely not easy work, that's for certain.  

    On the family side, there's the need to maintain a clean home, keep up with kids' schedules and make sure they're where they need to be at the appropriate time.  There's grocery and clothes shopping, helping with homework, doing the yard work, laundry, juggling the family budget and paying bills, PTA meetings, etc.  It's quite a bit of work and while there isn't quite as much mental stress involved, it can become physically exhausting at times.

    In short, I believe that both working outside the home and in the home are equally taxing in their own way.  I do, however, receive more satisfaction from the work I do at home.  It feels good to be able to do as much as I do for my children knowing that what I do is helping them to grow into great people.

  24. the perfect world answer: both parties will give 50/50.

    I am a working wife. Both my husband and I are in the military and we have very hectic lives. We split up the chores and things work out for us.

  25. I dont have to work cause my husband is loaded.

    That is the main reason i married him cause he has money and i dont have to get a job.

  26. I am a working Mother and wife... I think both are equally as hard. You have one that stays at home and keeps the house up, takes care of the kids, etc... and one that does all of that after work.

    They both put in that same amount of hours... but the only thing that would make a SAHM harder is the lack of pay and respect they SHOULD get for doing it!

  27. I'm a house wife now because I'm 7 months pregnant, but I've always worked and plan on returning to work next year. I think they are both tough jobs, but I have to hand it to my husband..he gets up and goes in every day while I sleep in and can take naps during the day.  

  28. house wife has a lot of work to do! people dont realize this.

  29. I work part time as a piano teacher/piano tuner, and I'm a "househusband" the rest of the time.  My wife is a computer programmer so clearly she is the breadwinner.  I think that being a homemaker is much more difficult totally because of the lack of respect.  Being a male homemaker only earns me more disrespect.  I know sometimes it's hard for my wife to understand this but that's how thing turned out I was musically talented and their aren't many high paying careers that involve that haha.

  30. They both work very hard the only real big difference is that after bing a working wife you need to come home and  be a house wife (and no overtime)  

    if you are just a house wife it is a never ending job and you still don't get overtime.  :)

  31. Either one really, it all depends on the number of kids, what kind of husband, etc.  

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