
Are you a young Liberal voter? If so, how do you feel about Obama's move to the center?

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Are you a young Liberal voter? If so, how do you feel about Obama's move to the center?




  1. I'm an older liberal voter, and Obama's move to the center translates to the way the game is played, to me. it doesn't bother me a bit. I know, as an American voter, who needs to get in an what I need to do.

  2. I think he's been pretty consistent if you listen to his explanations. I don't buy all the media hype and spin. Skip the dirt and go to the source if you want facts. If you buy that media/ john mccain spin, you probably fell for Bush's c**p and voted for him last time around.

  3. No politician is exactly who the media portrays them to be. You try summing up all the complexities of your character in a few half-minute campaign ads! I feel Obama is more honest. He knows that people are going to perceive his changes of heart as "flip-flopping" but he does it anyway because he is continually acquiring new information. Hence, going to Iraq may very well change some of his preconceived notions about the war since he's never been there, and I can see no dishonor in that. War is ugly and it changes everyone who comes into contact with it. It doesn't mean he's less electable if he changes his mind on something, it only means he adapts to new info. Any strategist would tell you that a failure to react to new and pertinent intelligence could be fatal. The same principle applies here.

  4. I'm a young liberal voter and I agree with Winston on this one.

    Barack just hast to play the game we know as politics to appeal to the majority of Americans especially independent voters. Once he is in the White House (crossing my fingers) he will show his true colors(good or bad). With every presidential election what you get isn't always what you asked for.

    As for McCain he is a blatant flip-flopper and half the time he can't remember what position he supports.

  5. No, I'm a young conservative voter and I loathe this lying piece of human trash known as Barack Obama.

  6. I will vote for McCain. Obama is a phony. He is not qualified and doesn't stand for my beliefs. I am against big government, raised taxes and the murdering of innocent unborn babies.

  7. you're exaggerating it.  He's very liberal overall and I for one will vote for him in November assuming he remains more liberal than McCain.

  8. I feel betrayed! I voted against Hilary for a reason, now I wish i didn't! Although he does have to get as many votes as possible and maybe he'll come back to the left!

  9. they understand what he has to do to get elected and forgive him any of them....they worship him which leads back to his being a potential Anti Christ

  10. I'm 19...and it's not surprising.  That's what they do after being nominated.  They force their issues to their party, just to get the nomination nod...then they have to go back to the center so thy appeal to the majority of Americans.  Typical politics...nothing unusual.

  11. Pray  for the answer and it will  come

  12. they dont care.they allow him any method to get elected

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