
Are you able to hold down a job?

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That is, if you are a parent, are you able to hold down a job with young children at home? If you are, your job probably doesn't affect your abilities as a parent much, do they? Are you neglecting your children by going out and working every day? Wouldn't you be offended if someone told you that you couldn't work because looking after your children was more important than making money to support them?

Why does Sarah Palin having a job to do, and running for another job, bother people so much? Is it really any of your business?




  1. Yeah, but it hardly matters. Since the Women's lib movement (not that I'm against it,) it's been increasingly more difficult to get by with one income. You need both partners working, which can't be good for the children. In Palin's case, though, I'm sure her husband can be the stay at home dad.

  2. yes

  3. Her family life is not what makes her a bad choice.

    The McCain folks obviously wanted him to pick a woman as running mate in order to win over some Clinton supporters.

    NEWS FLASH: Sarah Palin is no Hillary Clinton.

    She can't even do an acceptable job in the job she was elected for. If McCain were elected, and something happened to him, we might actually end up with a President less competent than Bush.  

  4. I just disagree with almost everything she stands for. I don't care about her personal life.

  5. It's called multi tasking and takes someone with great organizational skills.

  6. Because she is running for Vice President of the United States of America.  This means every bit of her private and public life will be scrutinized and criticized.  I figured someone with an avatar name like yours would understand how politics work.

  7. No because i cannot afford to go to China

  8. If we are her potential "employer" don't you think we should try to access if she has the time and energy to throw herself fully into this very important position?

    V.P. is only a heartbeat away from the presidency not some normal job.

  9. I hold a job. I own my business, my wife works elsewhere and I home-school my child

    other people's opinions about how I go about my life...mean nothing

  10. You guys are funny.

    I don't recall all of this outrage when there were 100 posts a day here accusing Obama of being a Muslim.

    If the GOP can't take the politics of withering cheap personal attacks, maybe the GOP shouldn't rely on those tactics.  It's just a taste of your own medicine, so man up and take it without griping.  

  11. sdfdsfadsf

  12. maybe it is our business D< geezus.

  13. Running for VP or the USA is not a normal job.  Many people pick career over family those people turn out to be very unhappy in the end.  So I don't care if she never sees her kids or if here kids were raised by nannies or that she is a wonderful mother.  I don't care I am not voting for Mcain No matter what.  He could have picked a black female with one leg to be VP I still would not vote for him.  

    Only reason she was picked to be VP was so that he had a chance at winning.

  14. I am a parent  and I have 5 children with the youngest just turning 18... Ive worked all my life, even when I had my children, heck I worked up until the middle of my 8th month with all of them... I also worked outside the home when they were small.. We as parents have to do what we have to do... I am a republican as well... but I am not a rich one that could afford to stay home.. To me working and trying to support them etc is  better then sitting at home  because if you dont have the money to take care of them what good does it do? Putting food on our table and a roof over our childrens heads were more important...Its just now and I am a young 53 where I can actually slow down and work part time.... All my kids were put through college and my youngest just started... So yes we WORKED so we could give them the  education they needed and still need... So on to your question.... I do believe they are slamming her and her daughter way to much.. I mean who are these people to judge them or anyone.... I believe she can  do her job and take care of her children as well... why do they think she cant?  Id like to see half these people that are ridiculing her even TRY to do the job she does.... I give credit to her and respect her  and support her and her daughter in what they have chosen to do...I wish them all the best


  15. Being a VP with the chance of being President... doesn't compare to most JOBs. & Some people do suffer from having to find a babysitter, or having to risk their jobs when their child is sick. I'm not sure what you're getting at... but, yes... its MY business. Now, get over it.

  16. Pre-marital s*x and pregnancy conflicts with Republican ideology.  McCain should have picked someone without a pregnant teen-age daughter.  And if he needed one with a pregnant teenage daughter so badly, it should have at least been someone who didn't advocate abstinence and s*x-ed in school.  McCain and Sarah were both aware of the consequences, which are what is on the news and what you've read on here.  Enjoy.

  17. she put herself in the spotlight.

    she made it our business.

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