
Are you able to live off base while in AIT? My boyfriend will be graduation from Ft. Bennin in early Sept.?

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then leaving for Texas for AIT at Ft. Sam Houston. He wants me to start looking for apartments close by because he wants to live off base with me. I'm not sure he'll be able to live off base while he's in training though. And IF he is able to, does he receive BAH?




  1. He will not receive BAH unless there are no rooms in the barracks and he will be authorized.  BUT more than likely there are rooms and if he lives off base he will be footing the bill out of his own pocket.  He's making a mistake though.  He really should stay on base and focused.  

  2. You have to stay in government housing during AIT. And no you won't get BAH. Only married personal and E-5 and above can live off base.

  3. No he has to stay in Gov. quarters. You however can live off post, and if he has a lax AIT he can " visit " on personal time ( If he gets personal time) as long as he doesn't get caught, However I don't recommend it. The average joe will get himself in trouble that way there are cerfews, during training you usually need a pass to go off post, etc. Last but not least it comes out of pocket. no BAH, no BAQ, nothing we are paying his room and board during AIT.

  4. Unfortunately he wont be able to live off base. Also since your not his wife yet you cant sign him out for an overnight pass :(. I would suggest trying to get married during the break between basic and AIT (go to a judge, you can always have the ceremony afterwards) if a parent of his is going to be there they can sign him out and then you can go get hitched...Ive researched the rules of AIT cause I plan on spending some time with my husband and I needed to know exactly what is going on. My husband is at Fort Jackson. I live right by Benning :) though so Ill send some positive energy your guys's way.  I know that they are a little tougher on the guys here but im new at the whole opsec thing so thats all Ill say I guess. Anyhow, until your his wife the army is not accommodating at all. After that you will have far more power.

  5. Your best bet is to stay put.

    Your BF will NOT be able to live off base during training-AIT or otherwise.

    Also, until he knows his permanant station or if he will be deployed, you should not go running off to be with him.

    Military only pays for dependents-not girlfriends.

  6. hey my boyfriends at fort benning right now too.. he just had is family day this weekend and started his AIT on Monday but he stayed there... im pretty sure tho that f you want to live off base with him you need to be married.. which you said you guys will be soon anyways.. and they should give you money to live off base if your married too

  7. Unless they have changed the rules, you are ot allowed to live off base until you become "permanent party"

  8. No, he can't.  He will be put into the barracks since he is a single soldier.  If you and him were married he could get BAH but they will not give BAH to a single private just so he can live with his girlfriend.  Also, since he is just going to AIT he will probably be forced to live in the barracks even if he was married, usually they only let people who are changing their MOS to live off post.  It wouldn't be worth it anyway unless he knows for sure he is getting stationed at Fort Sam Houston because you would end up getting an apartment and would have a lease to break once he finishes AIT (which might only be a few weeks) so you can move with him to his new duty station.

    EDIT: Your average AIT for a 68W is at least 16 weeks, it can be longer if he is getting additional skill identifiers.  If you want to get married I would suggest doing it after he finishes basic if he is getting leave.  It will allow him to start collecting BAH.  If I was you, I would ask him exactly how long his AIT is because it might not be worth getting an apartment especially if he is forced to stay in the barracks and he ends up PCSing to another post after he completes AIT.  By getting all of the rules, he will be able to know what to expect in terms of restrictions.  Even if he does marry you he will probably be forced to sleep in the barracks anyway.

  9. OK here is the deal yes you need to get married before he goes to AIT or this whole thing gets shot out the window.  Once you are married you need to get enrolled in DEERS and get an ID card. Now this is also going to be dependent upon his schooling.  And that just means is he PCS'ng there meaning permanent change of station, or is he going to be TDY enroute, meaning he already has a follow on assignment.  If he is TDY he will have to live in the barracks no matter what.  If he is PCS'd  there he will be allowed to live off post as long as he takes you with him and you are married.

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