
Are you addicted to YA and is it ruining your life?

by Guest32596  |  earlier

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  1. Are you trying to quit smoking? Again? Gahh, I thought you already did that. I really think you are an all-or-nothing person, addictive personality. Why don't you just do what you have to do first (life) and then do your computer gaming and Yahooing later in the day, last thing, AFTER you've done all the important stuff?

    Yeah I know, easier said than done, but if you do it enough times, it'll be habit because then you'll feel guilty when you haven't done what you set out to do that day, and it''ll nag and nag at you so you can't enjoy your computer addiction till you've got the other stuff out of the way first. Just, make some good habits will you?!

    And why the h**l did you change your profile information? Are you taking a break from Y!A?!?

  2. I could never get addicted..

    I get too annoyed by stupid questions asked that could be easily solved by filling in the correct sentence or word in Google...

    Too bad some people lack that bit of intelligence and ask stupid things here...

  3. I wouldn't say im addicted because you can only answer 22 questions per day, and I enjoy answering peoples question, mainly I like checking to see if I got a thumbs up or not.

  4. People get addicted to YA? thats...lame..

    and my answer: h**l no.

  5. You just about summed it up.

  6. No. I'm not addicted to YA & I'm very certain that YA is not ruining my life.

  7. If I get addicted, YA will not be to blame, but they will get sole credit for removing the possibility if they go off the net!

  8. I'm starting to be. LOL!

  9. addicted? not really but it does pass the time...but I'd be happy to do something more exciting if the opportunity arises.

  10. No, I am not addicted to YA, therefore it is not ruining my life! LOL

    I visit only when there is not much work in the office.  When I have enough free time, I sign in and play a bit - just like now.

    I am addicted to chocolate though...  It does not ruin my life, but it does ruin my figure! LOL

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