
Are you addictited to something?

by  |  earlier

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If so, what is it and why.

It can be ANYTHING!!




  1. Crack

  2. I'm addicted to brushing my teeth every morning, i don't understand how i've come to this. When i was little i had like 5 black teeth and millions of dollars spent on cavaties. Now im brushing my teeth almost everyday.

  3. Procrastinating!

  4. coffee

  5. s*x. As soon as I get it, I want more right away!

  6. m&ms

  7. food! becuz its tasty  


  9. Diet Sunkist. Badly. Just Because. Why AREN'T you addicted to Diet Sunkist?

  10. diet soda/iced tea



    i honestly get head aches without them! (it's really bad!)

  11. the internet..i feel so proud when i manage to trun the laptop off.

  12. Yeah, coffee.  And that's a bad, unhealthy addiction, according to the latest...Whoa! Wait one...Now it's a good, healthful addic...Hold it!  Here comes another study...

  13. we're all addicted to something - i like coffee

  14. Yes i am

    The computer lol

    i can't stay away from it


  15. Nike Air force 1

  16. In the order of preference

    1. Eating

    2. Sleeping/lazying around

    3. yeah i cant stop flirting(bad i know)

    4. watching television



  17. texting cuz i do it so often and CANNOT stop! hehe

  18. peppermints, I just like the aroma it's like a burst of cool air

  19. nope. yeah im boring.

  20. Music. I can't fall asleep without listening to it.

  21. The Joker

    and Batman

    well they are both adorable in the comics

    and hot when played by Heath Ledger and Christian Bale

    Also they offer an interesting take on society

  22. to chocolate

  23. kissing..

  24. Sugar...and Kissing a nice guy hehe...and errr s*x kinda...hehe

  25. smoking (cigs), browsing the internet

    & I have a sick obsession with looking into morbidly rare facts/diseases & then becoming convinced that either I or someone I love has said rare ailment

    I need help ! seriously......

  26. I'm addicted to oxygen.

  27. Pasta with butter and salt mmmmm i crave this or bagels with cream cheese

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