
Are you afraid of Global Warming?

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  1. no, I like it. Now in Latvia is winter, but warm. That is GOOD!

  2. im more afraid of ppl

  3. No. Ask this question again in 20 years when nothing has happened.

    re. the cited article: Let the brainwashing begin! Indoctrinate them with the It's All Your Fault propaganda. Tell them CO2 is the enemy. It must be eradicated! They use as their "knowledge base?" What ever happened to REAL science?

    I personally think it's mean to scare children like that.

    Sorry for the caustic reply, but this kind of nonsense makes me angry.

  4. No it is happening no matter what we do as no one will ever do all they can. In my opinion its all the "it wont happen in my lifetime" approach.

    Theres no point in being afraid of it as there's no way to avoid it

  5. I'm afraid of what can happen if it turns out to be as real of a threat as the scientists say it may be. I must admit though. There's a small part of me that thinks it could be a lie, like so many others we hear from "credible people". I'd rather live in Florida that Alaska anyday. Guess I'm on the fence.

  6. Unless it grows big pointy teeths and snarls at my family jewels, the answer is no.........

  7. I'm not afraid of it , but it is a very real thing . I do my part to save our world & I think everybody should . This is a good site for going green tips

    It's something that takes very little effort but that makes such a difference .

  8. No, not at all. Any problem that is so subtle that Al Gore has to warn me not to miss the signs of it is not scary.

  9. I'm not afraid of the human induced warming of 2 - 4 C.  My concern is the natural forces that may help unleash (e.g. methane from frozen tundra and the ocean floor) that could cause a significantly larger and rapid warming.

    I'm old enough and secure enough that I probably won't suffer anything significant from global warming, but I am concerned about my kids and grandkids.

  10. Yeah....I stopped paying my heating bill because I thought GW would take care of it!

  11. I already live in a houseboat I say bring it on.

  12. no I would love to be warm right now....

  13. No I'm not afraid of Global Warming, since I would rather be warm than cold.

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