
Are you afraid of airplanes?

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Are you afraid of airplanes?




  1. yo dog my homey g dog

    home scillet biscuett with sausage pattys and eggs and chees

    im only scared to fly on an airbus because the fly by wire on a crosswind landing

    they rock so hard becasue they take sooo long for the alerions to move and when they do moove they go slow so the passangers are comfetrable

    airbus is supid and scary SAFTEY FIRST

  2. Nope love them all.

  3. Yes - because I took pilot training.  In another words, I know too much and how they fail.

    Good Luck...

  4. No, they're great

  5. Nope, as long as its properly maintained.

  6. Yes, I have flown over 100 times (been to at least 15 states, France, Germany, Spain, etc.)...still scared of plane.

    Last year our plane caught on fire with us inside, they put out the flames, but I was so freaked out when we actually got to exit and see the damage and the fire fighters hosing down our plane.  We had a hydrolic fuel leak and the hot brakes caught the fuel and plane on fire.

  7. I'm more concerned who's going to sit next to me.

  8. Shannon:

    I am a trained and experienced aircraft accident investigator.  I know as well as anyone the pluses and minuses of flying and I am not the least bit afraid of getting in an airplane.

    If I told you that you are in far more danger driving to and from the airport than in flying around the world, would it help?  Statistically you would have to board a commercial aircraft a million times before you would be involved in an incident and that incident may or may not cause the loss of life.  Of course statistics are averages in this case.  You could be involved the first time you fly.  

    The real problem is when a car crashes and someone dies you have a tragedy.  That tragedy is reported in the local media and more times than not it is reported on some back page of your newspaper.  However, when an airliner goes down and there is multiple deaths it becomes a statistic.  It is splashed all over the front page of half the newspapers in the world.

    I am not saying that is wrong only that we kill thousands of times as many people on the highways as are killed in aircraft accidents.

  9. yes, airbus aircraft. other then that i like all planes

  10. I'm afraid of some of them!

  11. No I been around them scince my childhood, flown them worked on them I think its in my blood

  12. Nope!!

    I'll be more afraid if i miss my flight!

  13. No, I am not even afraid of crashes.

  14. No. The only thing I'm scared of is cockroaches =)

  15. No, it's the nut behind the wheel.

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