
Are you afraid of death, of being unconcious forever, to simply becoming "nothing"?

by  |  earlier

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I certainly am... although it may be just that Im only 13 and I havent experienced enough pains and troubles in my life...... yet.




  1. No. none of the above.

  2. Yea. Life's a (censored), and then you die.

    I had a similiar question a while back; look over the answers, it makes me feel better reading over some of them.

    EDIT: Near-death experience? I've lost count. At least 3 major ones, if you don't count strange accidents that could've been fatal.

  3. I'm afraid of death. I think I'm more afraid of the process of dying then actually being dead. I know that there's a lot of unknowns with death but you don't have to be afraid of it. Jesus made a way for us to be able to go to Heaven with Him after death by coming to earth, dying for our sins and then coming back to life.

    But also don't dwell on death. Life has so many more adventures for you to take. And Jesus has an awesome plan for your life.

  4. Why would I afraid of that?  Without consciousness, I can't feel, be aware or care about anything.  And, eventually, you and everyone else will die, so you might as well accept it.  

  5. Nah, every ones afraid of death, though once they try it, they don't complain.

  6. death is nothing to be afraid of....

    living is much scarier!

  7. no actually I can't wait. I accept it and actually want it. Won't it be wonderful to never need to think or act, or worry, again. Sure you may never be happy but at least you won't know.

    It's kind of like if there were a "sixth" sense but you/we don't have it. We don't mind since we don't know how great it is. :)

  8. Being unconscious mean that you can be conscious again. When you are dead (if there is no afterlife). You won't even know it.  

  9. im 13 too

    i honestly hav to say i am not afriad of death...

    i think wen its my time to go even if its early nd such it waz already planned "EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON"

  10. Being "unconscious forever" is not the same as being "nothing".

    "Being nothing" is an oxymoron, incidentally.  It is not possible for "I" to "be nothing".  If I am, I'm being.  Being is being.  Nothing is nothing.  

    Which could, incidentally, give us a clue about the eternal nature of consciousness.

    "'There exists a consciousness within me which I am and which is eternal.'  [This] means that I have genuine conception and perception of my most inner inwardness.  I have a real sense of the center that I am within me amidst the storms, stresses, and changes of life.  I understand what wise men of all ages mean when they refer to the pure consciousness within me that I am.  I also recognize the universality of that center.  The conscious center that I am is not susceptible to the flux of life and is therefore unchanging and timeless.  It may not last forever, but it is outside of time."

  11. I'm not afraid of death, but I am afraid of pain, oppression, abuse, murderers, rapist, and others things.

  12. Nope. There's better things to come if you believe in God & it can be pretty cool here to if you get that nothing nonsense out of your head.The only way you can become nothing is to be nothing in the 1st place.All that dark void c**p after death is for real idiots! Believe in something or you will experience all the pains & troubles in life that you feel you haven't run into yet.

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