
Are you afraid of death?

by Guest189  |  earlier

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Personally I am. And i wish this wasn't the case. What do you honestly believe happens once your finished here?




  1. What I am afraid of, is that I will no longer be able to hug my kids.  I fear the pain they will feel when I am gone forever. I fear that when in that last moment, your entire life passes by in a flash, that mine will be filled with regrets of things I wish I did not do, as well as things I wish I did do. I fear that my children will suffer the feelings of helplessness, just as I did when my father died, that there was nothing I could do to help him. I fear the loneliness that we all must face at that point in each of our lives.

    What really confuses me however, is the whole God thing.  Do I believe he's there?  No one really knows for sure...  do they?  They have faith, but cannot truely know for sure.  I do however, hope he is there.  I hope I find him sitting next to Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the tooth fairy.  I hope he is there, because I want to believe my father is in a better place, and that one day, I will get to see him again,  My fear however, is that religion was created more for us mere mortals, to be able to deal with death.  My fear is that religion was created to capitialize off the suffering of others.  My fear is that all those golden goblets, fancy robes, beautiful stained glass windows, words no one could even understand, and ceremonial acts, end up being nothing more than a marketing campaign.  What I do believe, is that if there is a God, is that he is up there parting the clouds, looking down upon us all, and thinking to himself....  "You fools...  you poor pathetic fools!"  But what I ultimately fear the most about death... something I can't even bring to words,  would be if either of my children were to preceed me in it.   Nothing would or even could...  be more painful to me than that.  Yes...  that is my greatest fear.

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