
Are you afraid of earthquakes...?

by Guest58241  |  earlier

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I am....I went through the earthquake disaster known as the "1994 Northridge Earthquake" in SoCal.... ever since then i am scared... lol

I live so close to the San Andreas Fault but i dont bother to move somewhere




  1. I've been through more than most Californians, lost much of my personal stuff during Poma Prieta in 1989.

    No fears here, but plenty of respect.  It's not worth sweating over.

    I live close to the San Andreas and a few active smaller but historically dangerous ones north of the Golden Gate.

    I've plenty of camping gear, water, food around for about a week, plenty to keep my family going in the unlikely event my house comes down.

  2. No...well kinda. There are so many faults in Cali everyone lives by one. San Andreas is the biggest !

    advise: if you own a home in Cali buy earthquake insurance!!!!

  3. I live in Indiana so nope.  We did have one here a couple of months ago though.

  4. im in socal

    we had one today but i didnt feel it

    i hardly ever do

    im not really scared cause ive never felt a big earth quake

  5. Im in Mississippi so they never cross my mind, now hurricanes are a different story...

  6. I'm in the Midwest, so no

  7. Earthquakes are indeed dreaded by all And the Bible states in the End Times there will be Great earthquakes in divers places.....james the hollow earth man

  8. yeah totally and i haven't even gone through one before. I live in oklahoma so we don't get them over here.

  9. did you read what i answer on your other question

  10. no, not at all. Except when i'm at the very top of a building. Did you feel the earthquake today- it was pretty big. I was getting my eyes checked when it happened. :D

  11. i never experienced one before (and hopefully never will) cause i live in new york. but i'm pretty sure i'd be terrified.

  12. yes i am....todays scared the c**p out of me....but i guess im used to the movements of the ground...but i still get scared...

  13. Inside-Yes

    Outside-Noooo!!!!!!!!! Its like a roller coaster, the last 1 we had, i rolled down this big hill it was soooooooo! fun!!

  14. no not really

  15. get away from the San Andreas Fault angie!! move somewhere else lol =]

    im pretty much used to it since california is teh Earthquake State...

  16. Yes, I am extremely fearful of all natural disasters ,including earthquakes.

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