
Are you afraid of <span title="yourself?...................................................................................">yourself?...................</span>

by  |  earlier

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As for my own situation, I am terrified of myself. From one moment to the next, I seldom have any idea what I might do next. I am probably my own worst enemy...




  1. omg i feel the exact same way as u, im really scared of myself than anybody else in the world, like what i might do or say and all because whatever happens to me will be because of myself. i lead myself to the wrong path and i have to be careful and not mess up my mind you know?


  2. No I had never been afraid of myself and to be honest with  you  at 65 ; its the first time I am hearing such a statement ; for your own sake get some help from a good therapist  

  3. I&#039;m not afraid of myself...but apparently,  I scare other people.  In my circle, I&#039;m considered queen of the knee-jerk reaction, and hair trigger temper...but what they don&#039;t seem to understand...or remember, is how far they&#039;ve pushed me up until that point.  They only remember the reaction I EVENTUALLY have to their behavior.  But like you, I&#039;ve become my own worst enemy...or maybe temperament has served me pretty well in weeding out the morons who are only looking for a &#039;yes man&#039;.

  4. I am never afraid of myself, but you should be...

  5. i think sometimes yes i m afraid of myself...

    but i think i m capable of getting over it hardly matters to me...


    $$** LIVE LIFE KING SIZE **$$

  6. im not cared of myself, but sometimes im afraid of what i might turn out to be, or do.  

  7. 0_0 God your questions are fun. I am afraid of only 1 other self I have &lt;.&lt; I dislike the fact that I used to feel, but slowly I am inching away from sub-emotions (sorrow, guilt, regret), my only real fear (Oddly enough I have never confessed this) is actually having all those emotions I&#039;ve done a great job of obliterating- might come rushing back to me due to my other self. But I doubt that will happen anytime soon. So to an extent I do sadly still feel fear, of one day snapping and not being able to control my mental breakdown- due to a self that isn&#039;t as prominent as, well, me. But for now I have UTTER happiness, or UTTER anger and about 2% chance of fear :P  I am my own worst enemy X3 as you are. Thanks for the fun Q!!! Hope my answer was to your liking.


  8. ..... i am never afraid of myself,

        I live my life as it comes to me,

            without fear and or future.

  9. *smiles at you* no i&#039;m not. i don&#039;t have a lot of self confidence but, i know what i&#039;m doing in life, i can usually think things out before anything major. my eye doctor told my mom one day that she thinks that i&#039;m a  great person because of how i carry myself. my mom said yeah, she knows where she&#039;s going in life and if you get in her way she&#039;ll tell you where to go and move on. the lady said &quot;i hope my daughter is like her&quot; :) so...if that explains i&#039;m not. i just have self confidence issues but my boyfriend helps me a lot. i think of him and i KNOW i&#039;m going to be fine and i&#039;ll do fine at watever i&#039;m doing. he&#039;s great. (s h i t i seem to keep rambling...SORRY!) but yeah everyone is their own worst just gotta face yourself and ya know...sometimes i have to tell the voices in my head &quot;SHUT THE H E L L UP! DON&#039;T MAKE ME COME UP THERE AND BEAT YOU GUYS! BE QUIET!&quot; lol. sometimes i forget and say it out loud..oopsies! :D yeah i don&#039;t know where the h3ll i&#039;m going with of luck tho.

    *hands you a biiiiig truck load of cookies* :)

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