
Are you afraid of storms?

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Are you afraid of storms?




  1. I love thunder storms, hurricanes and tornado's are some scary s**+...stuff though,  I live in the pan-handle of Florida and we see are share of both!

  2. Sometimes!

  3. kinda........

  4. Nope..!I like storms!!:)

  5. I love the rain storms.  And I like watching movies or shows about bad whether.  

    But I don't want to be in a storm that will rip my house apart or kill my family or me.

  6. nope,but it depends on the circumstances of the storms. most the of time i was lucky and nothing bad happened,just inconvienenced. my mother had a bad experience in a storm,and storms scare her now

  7. i'm in one and no

  8. No I love thunder storms.

  9. both afraid/interested in storms. If I here the sirens, oh no. If there is lightning, I'll try to watch.

  10. my kids are but i kinda like thunderstorms and snow storms suck but im not scared of them

  11. no they are sweet until you lose power then they are bad lol

  12. No ,I am not afraid of storms.

  13. yes, loud thunderstorms scare the c**p outta me :p

    and hurricanes and tornadoes too, always thing my house is going to blow away

  14. depends what kind of storm :P

    i LOVE thunder storms, they're sicknasty man :]

  15. no. i would go out in one just for the thrill of it.

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