
Are you afraid of the Dark?????/?

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Have you seen the series "ARe you Afraid Of The Dark?"

If so what is your favourite episode?

Mine has defintely got to be "Super Specs" I love the music, the acting and the story!!! it's awesome!!!

I have three of the four seasons, only the second is left to buy....




  1. haven't seen that in a long time...

  2. I never watched that show. But I did used to be afraid of the dark. A long time ago I watched a movie (when I supposed to be in bed asleep but wasn't) called "Basket Case". It was about a guy with a conjoined twin that had been removed only it didn't die and he kept it in a basket. It was a grotesque freak and it shuffled around killing anybody it's brother tried to be involved with. =(!! Then I "couldn't" go to sleep because I imagined I could hear the monster creeping around in my room. I was afraid of the dark for a long time after that.

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