
Are you afraid of what the world has come to and will become?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not necessarily saying "the end," just the stuff we see happening in the world now. Let me do a brief overview....

-Technology has progressed so much during the last 30-10 years, how fast is too fast? Seems like the world is all about the money.

- Kids/teens/adults are fatter than ever...not to be harsh or anything

-When my parents were growing up, they did not even know what cancer was, but now it seems more common than ever.

- Climate change! The world is getting hotter and hotter, sea levels are rising--or are going to due to melting ice, which will result in more health conditions. We are pretty much destroying ourselves. No one wants to stop polluting, we just think someone else will solve the problem, but there isn’t a “someone else,” only an us.

-Religious war. No one seems to like anyone and everyone doesn't want to accept.

-Starvation and disease in third world countries.

Just a few things wrong with this world... Will these factors play part to our doom? What is our future going to be like?

other opinions are welcome too :]




  1. You bet I worry, everyone should. Things are out of control & seem only to be headed for worse.

  2. Yeah, we cannot help it but as the world proceeds along the line of mainstream people, that is, most of the people's inclination (tendency) is to move towards destruction (as the olden phrase says the wide road leads to destruction), what the rest of us can do is to maintain where we are.

    I continue to be positive and gentle about every action.

    If you are really passionate in the cause, the way you carry yourself and your very presence will touch the people around you.

  3. not afraid, disappointed.

    i feel like humanity failed. the good things of humanity failed, the great leaders, the saviours, those who wished to help us, assassinated, the greedy, the selfish, won. the dark side won. we're in a hole, it's a deep one, and we are still digging.

  4. I think the world is actually getting better, slowly but we have progressed. If you look back at history we have always had these things or similar problems. Do you have any idea what the life expectancy was for the common man a couple hundred years ago. Medicine has increased this through vaccination alone. As for religious war, are you aware of the crusades, the inquisition, witch hunts, and so forth. Many scientists are working for methods of increasing not only food production but the quality of food itself. Many countries are working for ways to stop pollution, just yesterday i was watching on supernova on some of the things we are working on to purify the air. I think you have this perception of the world because you are bombarded by negativity namely by the media.

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