
Are you afraid to argue on people who do you think smarter than you?

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Are you afraid to argue on people who do you think smarter than you?




  1. yeah i am afraid that they r goin 2 embarres ME!!!!

    IT SUCKS!!!!!! But when u outwit them its fun!! ecxept when they dont realize they have been outwitted

  2. No.  I enjoy discussions with intelligent people.

    The people I am afraid to have discussions with, especially if I disagree, are those who are not very intelligent and who might become emotional or retaliate in response to disagreement.

  3. no one is smarter than me so i dont have to worry

  4. It depends on how sure I am that I'm right.

    The first thing you should ask yourself is 'what is he going to say is wrong with my idea?  What are my weaknesses?'  Then you research them so you're prepared for them when he brings it up.  Or when you research them maybe you find out you were wrong in the first place so you decide not to argue with him.

    Maybe then you go to argue with him and it turns out you were wrong anyways, he brought up something you didn't think of.  It's still not a loss, you were wrong but you know something new now, you learned something.  This is why it's important to try and stay civil and not start calling names and being a d**k when you're arguing.  If you've been an *** then you look bad and he's probably going to rub it in your face.  If you were cool about it the whole time and you were wrong anyways, then no big deal.  Everybody is wrong sometimes.

  5. yes.....

  6. no, I'm consired smart at my school, there's smarter ppl, but it's funny when I outwit them.

  7. noo i somtimes kno more than smart ppl

  8. yes!

  9. uh-mm well i have this super genius in my school.. I'm his friend.. but some times im afraid to argue because he is so smart. But if you believe in something strong enough than don't be afraid to challenge this said person.

  10. No I think it presents a fun opportunity and challenge

  11. I dont argue on people. I could hurt them and then theyd sue me.

  12. I feel slightly intimidated but i don't think Ive felt scared because as long as my facts are good i know i have a good chance of winning the debate.

  13. No, the whole point of arguing is making your point sound better, even if it's wrong, so that even if they are intelligent and possibly right you can convince them that you are correct.

  14. sometimes mosttly yes

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