
Are you afraid to die?

by Guest58254  |  earlier

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Are you afraid to die?




  1. Death is the promised land. All of us will die. Am I afraid to die? Yes, because everything that I know will no longer exist because I no longer exist.

    Death is an ugly thing. Life, however, is a beautiful thing because we will eventually die. It's because of death that makes life beautiful.

  2. EXTREMELY!!! i don't know what i'm more scared of, the actual death itself (like drowning or car accident) or the fact that i am wasting my time here on this earth (but not really sure what i could/should be doing with the rest of my short time left on this earth)

  3. i think there's a tiny bit of fear in everyone - no one wants to just stop existing. i guess that's why a lot of people cling on to the idea of an afterlife - i'd love to trust in something after death, but i'm a logical person, and it's just not logical. i believe because i feel i have to, which means i doubt, which in turn makes me afraid.

  4. Absolutely. I don't fear death. It's that DYING part!

  5. No I am just afraid it will hurt

  6. Yes, because there are so many things I have yet to experience and dying would deny me the opportunity.

  7. Yes I am.

  8. No, I look foward to it.

  9. I think everybody is to a degree.

    I'm not as afraid anymore, though.

  10. Sometimes

  11. not at all

  12. I'm afraid to die painfully.

  13. This is Tough one ! Being a student of  Philosophy i deal with this question quite often and i do believe that i have made truce with it, but i don't know how honest my answer would be until the "Movement of Truth"

  14. it is part of life. unavoidable....beyond human control.

    i have no worries cos everything that has to happen will happen. i am not afraid because it has no effect of anything that's going to happen, anyway.

    personally, Life is a Gift. easy and peaceful if we understand that we live in the present. the past and future cannot be altered....blessings


  15. Death is the absolute unknown and it is natural people are scared of it.  Since we will all face it some day, we better take it as something only natural in the circle of life and feel calm about it.

  16. No because I saw my Grandmother died and it was awesome!!!! I can not wait to get home......Imagen a room where light can not be a present,  an  incredible peace, someone there as you tell the last words to your love one and she tell you that there are angles ready to take her home to the master......I saw this and felt it, I also saw how my Grandfather died with out Christ it was ugly the way he shriveled and scream that his feet were on fire that there were dark creature in the room.....

  17. No. I'm afraid of how I will die though.

  18. Death does not scare me. It's what comes after that worries me. If there's an afterlife than I have nothing to worry about from death after all why should anyone be afraid of death if they continue to exist that is what is important. But what if death is the end. That is what worries me the concept of not existing. I could deal with death as long in some form I continue to exist. But take that away and we are left with nothing. One thing I never want to become is nothing.

    I can't understand why anyone who believes in an after life could fear death. But then I also wonder how anyone who believes death is the end can be calm about death.

    But seeing as how death is necessary. And of course death comes for us all. I guess there really is no point in fearing the inevitable. I guess in some way it's something we all have to come to terms with. Death comes for us all; it's only a matter of time.

  19. DEATH!!

    yes i am afraid of death!!

    well every one is afraid of one thing or another. i am afraid to die yeah.

    its not cause that i am actually afraid to die..but its cause don't want to die before fulfilling my purpose of life.

    I believe i am here for a purpose , and i wouldn't like to die before that.

    So yes you can say, that i am afraid to DIE!!...

    Chao ^_^;


  20. No.

  21. Death is the only thng dat one is sure about their life. There is no meaning in getting afraid of it. Because we all have to die one day.

    Think what if we are immortal. We all want to do somethin in life, and we are really bothered about time.. only because of we are aware of death.. If death was not there how we ll be in our life ? i think it wont be wrong if someone says, death gives a meaning to life.

    So its useless, beeing afraid of death, instead enjoy your life here, each and every moment. May be there is a more exciting life waiting you after death !!.

  22. No. People were less afraid to die before religion came along.

  23. No because i m suffering from depression at the moment,the end of life for me would be a blessing, i feel like i have lived for too long already.There are worse things in life than dying.

  24. Nope!

  25. No, and why should I? Living is overrated. You go to work to collect paper that apparently denotes how much your work is worth, spend the money on things you don't even need, but want for reasons that deep down you know are totally illogical and bs, and then go home and wonder about how your life could have been better, although you know that you can never be truly happy with the things that you want, because, being that you're human, you will always want more. In death, at least you'll finally achieve freedom from all duties and responsibilities. Death is way underrated.

  26. no i am not really afraid of death it's self but getting buried and stuff that is what i am afraid of
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