
Are you afraid to "live" a politically incorrect life?

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Today has been a pretty interesting day on here. The best day in awhile. What I have realized is that I need to stop being so hard on myself and stop living as I was "trained" to. I need to forget about changing the sheets every week because my mother said I had to....I need to have a drink now and then and stop feeling guilty I am setting a bad example......I need to understand that if I am in a foul mood and happen to raise my voice my daughter will be OK.......I need to eat ice cream more often...even though I am diabetic it will not kill me once in awhile....

I feel like I had a light bulb moment today.......imagine that.....on Y/A! Maybe it is just happenings in my life lately that have made my realize I need to stop being so hard on myself if things are not "perfect" all the time and enjoy the people around me, the beauty of the world, the gift of life.




  1. I have had that moment to life is too short to be worrying about stupid things I know some people who get all bent out of shape about things that half the time they have no control over I don't let things get to me I used to make sure I did things because of what others have told me was "correct" but now I realize somethings need to be left alone. I throw my hands up and be like " what ever"

  2. Thats funny to read, because my husband was just having a freak out moment this afternoon complaining about how he is constantly straightening up or doing dishes, and the house is always a mess, and I realized that somewhere along the line i let go of feeling like i have to keep every detail perfect. If i don't get the floor vacuumed this month, it's not hurting anyone, and if we run out of clean pants, we can deal with wearing a dirty pair for a day. And it's ok, it doesn't make me a bad mom! I have enough to do just taking care of a toddler and now a new baby than to freak out about a clean house.

    So, good for you!

  3. We all have that moment when we realize its ok to be ourselves. the world won't fall down if you wear dirty underwear or have a sink full of dirty dishes for 2 days. I think in some aspects "old fashioned" values have harmed us. So many of us live afraid of what others perceive instead of simply being ourselves. my wake up call came when I was in my early 20's. I simply got tired of being what everyone else wanted. i stopped making apologies and hiding who I am. If I offend people with my life Im usually not sorry for that. I deserve to be happy. I hope you find that in your own life.

  4. Everything that you are saying is absolutely true. Life is too short to worry about stupid things like sleeping on "dirty" sheets.    

  5. The way i look at things are, if i have to follow some Else's rules, i don't need to be there. if i can't be accepted for the way i am , i don't need your company or friendship. I am 58 years young and have a wonderful family and life long friends. Just being me.

  6. Cheers to that!!  I cannot stand  "Political correctness" It has gotten out of control....basically the equivalent of blowing sunshine up everyones @$$!  Life was much easier, when we were allowed to say what we meant and mean what we said!  

  7. None of those things you mention are politically incorrect at all.   Political incorrect means offending groups or people based on race, culture, gender etc.  You aren't doing that by being human and enjoying yourself as an adult.

  8. I hate the phrase, "politically correct", because it assumes that all people who live politely, consciously, carefully are doing it only because they don't want to look bad.  It reduces good people (or people trying to be good, anyway) to shallow mercenaries.  

    Almost everything that is called 'politically correct' is actually, when you look at it, just polite, empathetic, conscious living.  Calling it 'politically correct' as an insult is kind of like when my sister used to tease me when we were kids, calling me 'Susie Homemaker' when I'd cook something or vacuum the living room.  It's meant as an insult, but if you take the insult away, what's being done is actually good or, at least, good intentioned.

    But, you are correct, we all need to go easy on ourselves.  We need to do the best we can but we also need to live the lives we are so very lucky to have.  We need to get out there & get muddy sometimes.  We need to risk our hearts on crazy emotions.  We need to live with passion.  And, we need to forgive ourselves for mistakes.  

    As Manfred Mann said...  

    Mama always told me not to look into the eye's of the sun

    But mama, that's where the fun is


    You want your kids to enjoy every minute of the life that you gave to them.  You want them to squeeze as much joy out of life that they can.  You want them to be forgiving to themselves.  You want them to be careful how they treat others.  But, you want them to live their own lives, too.

    You've got to model that.  Not only for them and for you, but to honor the life that your own family gave to you as well.

    I love this question, love the way you phrased it all.  What a beautiful reminder of what it's all about!

  9. I definitely don't live a politically correct life.

    Don't make the mistake of eating TOO much ice cream (I did).

    I only wash the sheets when they're dirty. Which is my house does happen to be weekly for some of them.

  10. we are trained to live politically correct...and I know what you're saying.  you sound liberated.  Myself, I'm pmsing and hate the world but I envy your good mood.  ;)

  11. Good for you!!!  Now, just don't forget what you have learned!  Start enjoying life, it is short and you want to look back with a smile!!

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