
Are you against abortion? If so or if not read this.?

by Guest57844  |  earlier

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Now once you read this im going to tell you my thoughts.

I dont believe in abortion but if the mother doesnt do abortion sometimes she bring a child into the world that might have a horrible life and and not only giving the child a bad life, she might live a bad life to because of lack of education. Sometimes its not their fault because some people use protection but still get pregnate.

its not fair how the father can just leave the mother.

What do you think?

P.S. im not trying to start a chain so ignore the repost thing in the picture if you want




  1. Go to a real pregnancy site if you want facts, that little poem is completely inaccurate. People think "convenience abortions" are legal through all 9 months and that it's the most used form of birth control. Those people could learn a thing or two if they did any research.

    Abortions are only legal within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, and after that only if the mother's life is in danger. At 23 weeks 4 days if the baby can't stay in the mother any longer doctors will actually try to save it because it is viable at that time. It'll be in the NICU for months, but there's a chance for it to survive. Also, I know there are people who have abortions regularly and while I think it's deplorable because there are easier, safer, cheaper and more responsible means of birth control. But for most people an abortion is a horrible experience that most people don't want to go through again. It is by no means the most frequently used method.

    In some schools s*x ed is a complete joke and nothing is learned. These people need education. For those who think if they get pregnant then they should give the baby up for adoption, should you really trust someone who was irresponsible enough to get pregnant to carry that baby for 9 months? For some people this can ruin their lives and just isn't a good option.

    Also, in the 1990's the teen crime rate went down. People tried to say it was because of good laws and enforcement but studies showed that it was because abortions were legalized in the 1970's. Some of the children who would've been born into a bad environment and eventually become criminals weren't born, and therefore the crime rate went down. Sometimes an abortion is the responsible thing to do.

    It's a personal choice that only the individual can deal with. It has everything to do with what the responsible choice is and what the person can live with.

  2. i agree with you

  3. All I can say is LOL.

    Abortion is not funny at all,and it's an extremely difficult choice, but that link you posted is so inaccurate that it's hilarious. A one-month fetus is not 8 inches,a 2-month old fetus doesn't have differentiated fingers to suck its thumb, and they stopped doing saline abortions in the 1970's (the needle part). Plus, only 0.1% of the abortions are performed past 20 weeks.

  4. I don't agree with abortions at all.

  5. That article is c**p. First, it's not an accurate representation of how the fetus actually develops. It's certainly not 8 inches or able to hear voices in the first month!

    I understand that people try very hard to give a voice to unborn fetuses, but the reality is that while it is growing into be a potential "person" and it is the beginning of a human life, it does not have the brain function to think thoughts or have self awareness anywhere near the level of an adult.

    I don't think abortion should be used as a contraceptive or abused, but I don't think it's as bad as some would make it out to be. And some people just don't need to be making more babies.

  6. like daisy mcpoo said - it's not accurate. when i tried to explain my point to my friends, they tried to tell me that if they killed a newborn, they'd be charged with murder. but i can't see how something as small as a quarter could have the same rights as something like a newborn baby.

    i agree to the point you made, if abortion was illegal; women would be bringing into this world children they didn't want. in turn, those children might be abused or neglected and as you said, a bad life.

    i'm glad you can see both points, it's probably much easier to be neutral on the subject.

  7. You sound very smart.

    Choice is the key word.

    I'm not "For" abortion, I'm for a woman's "CHOICE".

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