
Are you against g*y adoption?

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Can you give at least one creditable reason why you are not for g*y adoption?




  1. Nope, more power to 'em!!

    Those kids need good homes even if it is with same s*x parents!!

  2. no way!  i am so NOT against g*y adpoption.

    it dosen't matter if you are g*y, straight, bi, green, blue, whatever.  As long as you can love the child and give the child a good home then what else is there??

  3. Totally for it! People that are against it have small minds

  4. Couldn't care less either way.

    btw adoption is not a right

  5. I'm all for it. I don't think there is a credible reason to be against it.

  6. My son is g*y and wants to adopt, I support him completly! Besides its the only way i will get a granchild, and since i am adopted myself i know it can work.

  7. I am all for it. There are so many children in the system that needs homes. It is unfortunate thought that it is hard for them to adopt. I work with 2 g*y guys and each one of them tried to adopt and were denied due to being g*y. They own there own home and are computer engineers, that make lots of money. But they would rather not give a child who needs a home to them because of the hole "g*y" thing. I think it is stupid. they are loving people who can raise a child just like any other couple.

  8. hey, if two people love each other and want to love a child together, there is absolutely no reason why that should not happen. it shouldn't matter if those people are both men, both women, a man and a woman, or transgendered.

  9. I have nothing against Same s*x Couples Adopting at all....

    Having been the leader of our local DHS Adoptive Parent support group for 2 years I was able to meet several same s*x couples interested in adoption.

    The ONLY thing that we learned in dealing with mostly children who were older and in some cases old enough to have a "Picture" of what Family Meant to them was--that as much as we know there are children needing families--and as much as the same s*x family would be a fine placement... The Feelings of the Child count and therefore in some cases same s*x families did wait a little longer.

    Some people get irritated with this attitude--and say, a child should be happy to just have a family....

    But, there have been some studies with children who are old enough to have defined what a family means to them.... It was found that the success of the placement and attachment of an older child can depend on that child's response to the family they are placed in... Further--much of that response is based on the first impressions...

    There were older children who said while they waited to meet the people they were told would be their family--they would have a picture in their minds... When they met the family some of the children reported such small things as the fact their impression was the family would drive a nice sedan, but when an old station wagon showed up---they had an instant negative response... Other children said that if they visioned a mother with black hair and a Blondy was the mom they had a difficult time overcoming their first expectations...

    So.... this research has been taken to heart by some states (Oregon for example) and the caseworkers do try to help a child define their ideas of a family...

    One caseworker told me that when working with the children he would listen to the child and give them different "setting" ideas including the issues of being placed in a same s*x parent Home...

    Where a child had an accepting attitude he would then consider a same s*x parent placement--where a child had a negative attitude he would not...He said, this applied the same for single parents or for issues like working mom vs. stay at home mom....and right down the line...religion, what people do for vacation, and any other key things that might make a difference in HOW the child would feel adjusting to a new life.

    When in our support groups meetings this was shared with same s*x partners whom may have felt they were waiting too long, or being passed over it made better sense understanding that a child's feelings do matter in the overall success of an adoption placement....

    You have to figure  that at least when it comes to foster adoptions with a child that is over a few years old--they have a history, they have been around other people. If those people had a Bad Attitude and the was impressed on a child then that child would bring with them that attitude even if they know it or not...

    Oregon has a low disruption rate because they do recognize that it is not only the parents desire--but the child's as well... And what parent wants a child to join the family if that child has already developed a deep value against the family they are placed into...?

    It's far better to place a child who has not been "pre" set to have a negative response--then to place a child who does not with that family....

    This is same for religion--If a child was in one religion and has some connection with the values of that religion--Why would we expect that child to just conform to a family that either had no religion or a very different one?

    so.... I completely support same s*x families adopting children--but I also support the system giving honor to both the child and the parents lifestyle expectations...

  10. Yes I am. God created man for a women and women for a man. If there are two women and they adopt a son who's going to show him how to be a real man. It goes the same way for men. I have nothing against g*y people in general if they like it, I love it. I think they shouldn't want to bring children in that mess and have them so confused.

  11. I'm not against it at all. All children need a good home and I don't think g*y parents would show any less love and nurturing to a child or children then straight parents would.

  12. I'm for it. If they can give the child a loving home and provide for them, then they have every right to adopt.

  13. No, I am not against it. I AM against unfit parents adopting but that goes for g*y, straight or single people.

  14. I am all for g*y adoption.  Anyone who can provide a safe, nurturing, loving home for a child should be allowed to do so.

  15. nope if they can afford a good home for the children ..y not?...they deserve to be happy too!

  16. Nope. Children shouldn't be made to suffer in orphanages until adults because some prejudice man/woman out there doesn't want g**s to adopt because a child should have a mother and a father. By that logic, should we take all children from single parents as well? Didn't think so.

  17. Why in the world would anyone be against giving a good home to children in need?

  18. Male cant be mother as per affection  and love for their kids

  19. Nope, go for it. I know a lot of awesome g*y parents who has their own children biologically through egg donor or sperm banks. So adoption is great idea. Go for it.

  20. I'm all for it as well, what better family to be brought up in? Look at how strong minded their parents would be! Love is the most important!

  21. Definitely not.  My mom owns an adoption agency and g*y people often adopt.

  22. Yes I am*

  23. Yes, I am against g*y infant adoption.

    Because adoption should be like an insurance policy.  I believe children deserve to GET what they LOST.

    They LOST a mother and a father, not two mothers or two fathers.

    I know that many g**s WANT to adopt, but adoption isn't about the PAPs desires, it's about what's best for children.

    ETA: Older kids from foster care is fine--because there is some choice on the part of the children.

  24. I have no problem with g*y people adopting.  Seriously, with as many things there are to worry about for an adoptive family, sexual orientation shouldn't be in the top hundred.

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