
Are you against hunting?

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Are you against hunting?




  1. Hunting is ridiculous unless you live way out there in the wild and have no resources but a gun and you need to feed yourself or your family. All this hunting culture has done is promote the sale of weapons in urban environments which end up being used in crimes. How many kids have committed suicide using daddy's hunting weapon? I never shop at stores that sell guns and ammunition. Didn't events like Columbine teach anyone anything?  

  2. Yup. How would you like it if a deer or some other animal came and shot you just for fun? I'm a vegetarian myself, but if you're going to hunt the animal, at the least, eat it. Don't just hurt it for your own amusement.

  3. I'm not against hunting, but I am against waste.  If you hunt and kill the animal, then it is up to you to use as much of the remains as you can.  If you aren't going to put the meat on your table or make it available to others for food, then you don't need to kill that animal.  Killing for sport is wrong I believe.

  4. Yes, except if it's for survival.  Killing creatures for fun?! Hunting is responsible for the extinction of any species.  I need not say more.

  5. YES!! what if some animal had a rifle and started shooting at you??? i really dont think that ud be too happy.

    y is this under homework??


  7. yes it's totally wrong and i'm pleased that it's banned in the UK (im not sure if it's banned entirely but certain forms of it are at least)

  8. Where I live, hunting has certain periods, for birds etc etc.. so if it works properly, you could that it's somewhat ok. On the other hand... eeeehhh.....  

  9. I'm from Wisconsin so naturally I grew up with families who hunt and fish 24/7.  The fact of the matter is, hunting is nature doing it's part.  If we don't keep the population of deer in check, they will starve to death, get hit by cars, etc.  Some people think it cruel; well, I think a quick death by a bullet would be chosen over a slow death by a person in a car who doesn't finish the deer off or over starving to death.  I don't agree with deer farms; to me raising an animal to be a trophy is disgusting and shouldn't be considered hunting at all.

  10. I am 100% I like to shoot at targets but not at animals. I think its cruel just to shoot an animal, and it is scary, i don't get how people can stand hurting an animal.

  11. Yes, unless what is killed is to be eaten.

  12. I would hunt, but only kill if I had nothing else to eat.

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