
Are you against or for animal testing?

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  1. The alternative is to test things on humans or have humans use them without testing them at all.

    That's a no brainer

  2. I am against it except when it is medically necessary to research and treat human and animal conditions.  I strongly oppose it to test cosmetics and other beauty products or laundry aids.

  3. These people have no idea how awesome animals are. Totally, my answer is a big fat AGAINST.  

  4. I am 100% against animal testing. It is not only barbaric, it is unscientific - animals react differently to humans to many substances, rendering many tests pointless. For example, a contraceptive called Tamoxifen was once developed which was tested on rats. It worked as intended, and was given to humans. However, it had the opposite effect on women, actually increasing their fertility! There are many other examples, some of which had much more harmful consequences. I don't know if you remember it, but a couple of years ago a drug called TGN1412 was tested on some human volunteers, and very nearly killed them - they were on life support for some time, and were left with permanent health problems. Prior to being given to these people, this drug had already been tested on monkeys at a dose 500 times stronger than that which was given to the humans, without causing the monkeys any ill effects. Aspirin, helpful to humans, causes birth defects in cats. Penicillin kills guinea pigs. 6-azauridine, a cancer drug which can be used in humans for long periods, will kill dogs in a few days in even small doses. The list goes on.

    I realize that some people feel that animal testing is necessary and that the end justifies the means - these people are entitled to their opinion, but I do not share it, personally. I don't think a human's life should be considered more important than a dog's or a rat's or a monkey's - animals have just as much right to live as we do, and the right to live that life free of pain and misery. As noted philosopher Jeremy Bentham put it, the central question is not "Can they reason?" nor "Can they talk?", but "Can they suffer?" And obviously they can. Our greater intelligence gives us a responsibility to protect other species, not the right to use and abuse them for our own ends.

  5. Almost completely against. Only the most necessary drugs should be tested, and they should at least use anesthetic!

    Test on the criminals, not the victims!

  6. for what purpose?

    just fishing?  probably not.

    testing a cure for malaria?  definitely.

    there sure are a lot of people in this country who think that yes and no are the only options for most questions.

    SO, if your question is, "Is it ever alright to do animal testing?"

    my answer is clearly yes.

  7. I am for animal testing as long as it benefits both animals and us.  I am only against it if they are being abused.  We have to find out someway.  Humans and animals are tested every day whether we know it or don't.  Doctors try many drugs on us and we learn from the response we get from them.  Especially people with deadly diseases that know they will be gone soon.  We do the same with our animals.  It is definatley a benefit to test animals.

  8.   Both by husband and I would be dead without having taken medications that was first tested on animals.Now guess what I think.Oh yes we both like our pets too!

  9. im so against if you create something that contains things that could be harmful to us obvisously nobody should use it and test on yourself its yours not theirs  

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