
Are you against or for rehabilitation?

by  |  earlier

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Im doing a debate and need answers :)





  1. I'm for rehabilitation. If it's beneficial to whoever is being rehabilitated then I believe it's a good thing.

  2. i'm all for it.

  3. Well I guess it depends on the person,cause you really cant make nobody do nothing,but some people really,really do need it so, I'm all for it, if it helps...........

  4. are you talking rehabilitation for prisoners? I'm for it....for the most part.....I believe that there are some people who cannot be rehabilitated. For example, those involved in sexual offenses and serial murderers (note, I mean serial...not just someone who killed once). These people have different brain chemistry where they can't control their mind/body. Other than that, rehabilitation would be a good thing...especially for young offenders. Plus, there are a number of outside factors that affect one's ability to be rehbilitated. Like, what were the circumstances of their offense? Was it gang, drug, anger, or jealously related? If so, then those things need to be addressed in order for rehabilitation to start. If we address their reasoning behind the offense, rehabilitating them would be pretty easy.

  5. I am not certain what sort of rehab you are talking about. If it is rehabilitation from addictions, I am 100 percent for it and it needs to be a long term program. I have seen miracles done in Omaha Nebraska at the Siena House shelter Miracles rehab program and it is all free. Lives are being saved!

  6. I agree somewhat with janice, s*x Offenders (especially child-molesters) is a tough one! I think that is untouchable.

    Acohol or Drug Abuse:  It depends on the individual. First and foremost, the abuser has to want to quit, and for good. The support needs to be there, and they most certainly have to stay away from all bad elements ie; friends who are current users, old hangouts, etc.

    Spousal abuse:  This is a tough one too.  Its possible that rehab would work, but it depends on the person.  I know someone who told her husband the 1st time he raised his hand to hit her (and it was his last time) "I think you need to watch the Burning Bed starring Farrah Fawcett, before you hit me :)  I thought that was hilarious!

    Prisoners:  It depends on how serious they are about changing their lives, and not returning to prison again, ever.

    Support from family and outside counseling are very important, however, without specific goals and a plan set  about reinventing their lives, the chances of a total rehab is slim. (my opinion)

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