
Are you against organ donation?

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If you are what are your reasons for being against it?




  1. Not against it at all as long as it is completly safe and sanitary

  2. i'm not. i think it's a good idea. seeing how you're already dead, why not help keep someone else alive.

  3. Im not really, I'm only against organ donation if the person donating is healthy. I dont understand why someone should give up something that vital for the sake of another. Perhaps if its in a family situation like a mother or a daughter (who might die otherwise) thats different, but total strangers is just PLAIN WRONG!

  4. No I am not.  My ten year old cousin has Cystic Fibrosis, so someday he will probaly need lungs (or kidneys from taking TOBI).  I will be very grateful to the person's family who allows them to donate....

  5. I am all for it but if someone thinks it is wrong I don't think ill of them it is a personal choice which I hope more choose to do.

  6. Honestly I want to have all my parts intact even after I'm dead, but after learning about what all happens to you at morgue... go ahead and donate my parts.   Plus I want to help others and stop being selfish.

  7. Its wonderful to save someones life/. imagine the joy you;d bring to their family

  8. it's ok. nothin bad bout it.

  9. No.  If I'm dead, I don't care.

    The usual complaint is probably religious reasons, where you're supposed to be buried without being embalmed or cut up or something.

    But not me.  If my organs could help somebody, take 'em.  I'm certainly not using them anymore after death.

    Edit: but organ stealing is wrong.  Don't be stealing parts from people who didn't agree to being sampled.  Like, Alastair Cooke--somebody stole parts from him and he was too old to be a donor or he had cancer or something and then they took something or other and they weren't suitable for donation but then they sold them or...I don't know.  Some kind of organ stealing.  

    And organ selling isn't cool, either.

  10. I'm totally for it, and I couldn't possibly understand a reason to be against it...but let's see opinions among your other answers, that'll be interesting

  11. I donated an organ to the church because I didn't know how to play it.

  12. no, I'm for it... everyone should! Think about it, when you die, what are you going to do with your organs anyway? They're just going to decompose... might as well change a life on the waiting list and give them the gift of a long, healthy life when yours comes to an end.

  13. I'm all for it, especially once I'm dead. Hey, I don't need them anymore! I think people who are against donating posthumously are just selfish, unless they are diseased.

  14. Yes,  In simple words my reasoning revolves around FEAR.  It is irrational I know but I have always felt that way, I know it doesnt hurt after your dead and I understand that it is completely irrational but fear is funny  that way.

  15. I'm all for it. What a gift it is

  16. No, it saves lives.

  17. Nope I'm all for it.

  18. I'm not against...though I don't like the idea of the donor probably being treated as if they aren't someones loved one, just an object to take from, just because they have to get the organs quickly...

  19. No, but the only bad thing is the blood transfusions

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