
Are you against this (people, animals and habitats)?

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Are you against this?

1. animal testing

2. animals abuse/child abuse

3. animal slaughter/man slaughter

4. hunting/poaching

5. overlogging

6. destroying habitats

7. people that don't care about animals

8. crime

9. wars

10. racist people

11. sick people (as in people that are abusive towards people & animals

12. global warming




  1. Yes...why?

  2. Most definately

  3. 1. I am for animal testing.  Testing done by veterinarians improves the lives of animals.

    2. I am against Child abuse

    3. I am for animal slaughter to provide food for people and other animals (do you want all carnivores to starve).  I also think that slaughter (harvest) of deer, elk, antelope, etc., is preferable to death by starvation from populations too large to be supported by the environment.

    4. I am for hunting (see above) and against poaching.  I would be for production of animals to improve their populations and provide an economic return for their desired body parts.

    5. I am for overlogging as compared to no logging.  A middle road, production oriented system is preferred.

    6. what habitats (pretty broad classification)  Habitat for Humanity?

    7. I am opposed to people who don't care enough about animals to practice good animal husbandry

    8. I am against murder and stealing (particularly stealing by the IRS and other government bodies)

    9. I am for wars that protect our people and prevent the inhumane acts of such people as Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Saddam Hussein, etc.

    10.  If you don't think you are better than the average person you don't think much of yourself regardless of race.\

    11. I am not sure of your definition of abusive.

    12. I do not believe in global warming as it is preached by the likes of Al Gore.  And some warming will be beneficial

  4. 1. If it is a mouse or a rat, it's fine.

    2. Hate it.. It's cruel

    3. Hate it. But i still eat meat....

    4. Not a big fan of it.. As long it isnt an endangered animal. But i hate it when they saw it ALIVE. But it is still kinda sad. Animal have feelings to.. [ i sound stupid but it's true!]

    5. ?

    6. Cruel-- would you like it if they destroyed your home?!?!

    7. Doesnt matter. They just dont have to abuse the animal. As long as they arent cruel to the animal

    8. Um.. this is comman sence- CRIME IS CRUEL

    9. It sucks.. and kinda sad. But thats how life goes.

    10. Umm. thats comman sence... It's mean.. If somebody hates me, what did i do to them, when we never met? [ there are a little.. CRUEL]

    11. ...?-- [ like what "type" of sick people?

    12. I belivive in it. It's something to believe cause it's happening.It's a fact not a belief. AND if you look at a map that shows ice, youcan see it melt BY ALOT each year.. It's sad cause polar bears, seal, walrus are dying

    Polar eats sticks or there own baby just for food.




  5. dumb question...

  6. I love animals.....I agree with some of it.

  7. Is this a multiple choice question or are you just leading people?  I’d say no to all since your agenda is scattered.

  8. Most definately.

  9. Human Belief In Supremacy covers all. If enough people contact United Nations to  list it a racist belief which results in Global Warming much covered. Define as belief everybody,everything,everybody, there for human profit. Further belief humanity is superior to all other lifeforms and define genocide only in terms of towards people not animals . Once done both kinds of genocide less likely

  10. yeeeesssss!!! count me in!

  11. 1. yes it's cruel

    2. yes it's just plain wrong

    3. yes it's horrible!

    4. yes, unless it's legal in that spot

    5. never heard of it actually

    6. yes, we're ruining are earth

    7. i'm not against them but maybe they should be more aware

    8. yes

    9. yes, i believe in peace and harmony

    10. yes, no one should be judged by the color of their skin

    11. yes, they are no right (mentally)

    12. I don't really think you can be against global warming, but I believe it is our own fault and it's wrong, and I believe it is a real threat to the future

  12. I would always object to a yes or no question that includes so many options.

    For example, while I might agree with a lot of your points I can not say I am against killing animals with no proposed alternative. Do we mean that all animals should procreate until they starve, that only wild animal slaughter (predation) should be killing animals? that animals will be allowed to eat all of the crops leaving none for you... well, no, I think we have to kill animals rather than devote all of our food to them and starve both them and us. I do not see having other predators kill them as greatly to be preferred.

    Nor do I agree to having a one time extinction drive so that we can grow more crops for humans without competition from other animals. (I know, you did not propose that. It is just that this is often inherent in save the animals from slaughter so that we can feed more people on the land.)

    Now neither hunting nor poaching are necessarily environmentally unsound all the time. If there is not enough pasture, hunting is the prefered solution.

    Plowing up a field to grow your food does destroy habitats, and yet you continue to buy food. When are you going to stop doing that?

    If you make a lot of laws and define them to be crime, you get a lot of crime, a lot of incarceration that does not appear to accomplish that much. When you ask am I against crime, I have to know just what solution you are thinking about before I am about to say yes. I am not in favour of long incarceration for smoking pot, even growing it, despite the fact this is defined as a crime. Nor do I support mandatory minimum sentencing as a strategy to increase the number of people incarcerated.

    If you ask if I am against racist people, I have to say I am not prepared to kill them, incarcerate them, nor in general to beat up on them. Is that what you mean?

    Am I against sick people, No, just sickness.

    Now when you link animal abuse and child abuse, I am willing to tolerate eating animals, but not eating children.

    I have clear cut, and converted the land to farm land.You might react that this is overlogging and destroying habitat. My response is please stop buying food  to demonstrate your sincerity. Or put the issues in more detailed policy initiatives so that people can agree with you on specifics. If you ran for parliament on a platform like this I would be solidly opposed to your candidacy, not because you are worse than the opponents, but because you are a simplistic slogan touting rabble rouser.

  13. I'm against ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!!!!!!!

  14. yes iam against it.

  15. Maybe not so. To be or not to be, that is the question.

  16. Abosolutely, most everyone should be

  17. I agree with you and I am against most of your list. I do see the benefits from some hunting in over populated areas.I do not hunt myself.

  18. These are all great points and i agree with everyone of them.

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