
Are you all Brett Favred out

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Do you wish He would just go away and never have to hear his name again. Im watching Baseball on ESPN and every Fifteen minutes its "Brett Favre was reinstated to play football" 25 minutes later "a Plane Carrying Brett Favre has just landed in Green Bay" 25 minutes later "Brett Favre has just cured hunger and found evidence there is life on Jupiter" (well the last one is not true lol, but you get my point"... ENOUGH ALREADY.




  1. The media coverage has been ridiculous for sure.  That's not Brett's fault.  Yes, he waffled.  Yes, both sides handled it poorly.  However, this life-long Packer fan is ready for #4 under center.  We're a better team with Brett.

  2. No, but then I realize what caliber the athletes are in the NFL today. When you see stories of all pros like Randy Moss standing to attention when Brett walks on the field, sheds light on the mutual respect these elite athletes have for each other in the NFL. Brett was recognized by many to have been rated number 2 in the league last season at age 38, that makes him news. You can't blame the NFL channel nor ESPN because he is an all time great and a legend in his own time.  

  3. No. I admit that this has saga has been drawn out too long, but a lot of that is the Packers fault.  He is the greatest QB of all time, so you have to guess that that is all the sports media is going to talk about.  Brett cannot help all the media he's getting.  He's a ledgen, what do you expect?

  4. Just about.  I just asked a question about him.  But I'm more sick of Favre than I am of the news about him.  I want to know what happens to him, but I could care less if it is good for him or not.

    I don't care who he plays for.  He had better play well.   Because if he comes back and throws for 30 interceptions, everyone is going to tell him to retire again.

    I'm also afraid that the drama will come to a new level.  Every year Favre will cry and say it's over.  Then for three months we'll hear that he is coming back.  Then he'll come back in August and be disgusted at the Packers for not taking him back so easily.


    I'm sick of his ***.

    I hope he breaks his leg on the first play.

  6. No way. He should play until he is phisically unable to. Im actually excited to see what happens to him. Baseball sucks anyway.

  7. yes i am he is too old!!!!!!

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