
Are you allowed to bring a parachute on a commercial plane?

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I want to be safe if we crash.




  1. It would be pointless.  If the plane started to go down, they don't get up and open the doors for those that brought a parachute.

    They would not risk it.  They fight to the end to avoid the crash and opening the doors would hinder that fight.

    Also... If the plane were going down and you were the ONLY one with a chute....There would be a riot and you would either....Die by someone else wanting your chute or have your chute stolen by someone bigger than you.

    I mean do you think a crashing plane full of people will have a smiling stewardess opening a back door for you and everyone else smiling, giving you a thumbs up,  and saying, "Cheerio mate.... good luck to you."  and, "Oh shucks Harold I wish we would have brought a parachute like that nice  young girl there."

  2. It would be useless on most commercial flights, so it wouldn't really matter if you could.  If it was allowed, you'd probably need to show up days early for your flight just to make it through security.

    Typically, a commercial flight cruises at about three times the altitude, and at least three times the speed, of a skydiving flight.  A skydiver on a commercial flight would need to have extra oxygen and other specialized equipment and training to make it even possible.  On top of that, Cooper Vanes, plug-type doors, and the pressurized cabin would prevent airplane doors from being opened during flight.

    Parachuting is not safer than flying.  Around one out of every 120,000 skydiving jumps results in death.  Around one out of every 1.2 million airline passengers dies.  Of course, either of these options is safer than driving.

  3. Well, unless your name is D.B.Cooper...

    But unless you are an experienced skydiver, trying to use a parachute would put you in more danger, not less. (Maybe even if you were, but if you were you could probably figure that out.)

  4. As stated, it would be completely pointless, and, not to sound mean, look a little foolish.

    They go to extremes to ensure your safety, and actually crashing in the worst case scenario.

    You have absolutely NOTHING to worry about, especially not crashing.

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