
Are you allowed to camp just anywhere in the Lake District?

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And am I allowed to have an open fire in front of my tent?





  1. I live in the Lakes and we have had someone 'wild' camping in the woods near us which makes me feel uncomfortable when I walk my dogs up there.  This is probably unfounded but look at it from my point of view, I'm out early in the morning with my dogs and have no idea who is about or why they feel the need to avoid the many, many campsites in this area.  I would feel better if this person/persons had asked the landowners consent but they haven't.  So perhaps it would be best to stick to the designated camping areas and let us locals have peace of mind.

  2. I definitely think there may be some restrictions, you'll just have to check when you get to where ever it is your camping and find out.

  3. No way  

  4. Technically in England and Wales you need the permission of the land owner to camp. However depending on where and how you choose to camp (ie. no fires, camp in very small groups, keep a very low profile, stay away from houses and farm land) then you will usually get away with it. There is no criminal offense of trespass in England and Wales; but if you cause any damage or refuse to leave when asked to so you could find yourself in a civil court. Ultimately the decision about whether to risk it or not is up to you. Another option in the Lake District is to contact the Tourist Board for details of farms that allow camping on their land. Many farmers supplement their income over the summer by letting people camp on their land for a nominal fee (usually no more than a fiver a night).

    In Scotland the Statutory Access Rights and the Scottish Access Code 2005, makes wild camping legal in certain circumstances a full guide to the code is available here:

  5. No. There are designated camp sites. If by an open fire you mean a heap of twigs and branches on the ground, then the answer is also no, but you can cook on a  BBQ. The Lake District may feel like the back of beyond, but some people live there and rely on the countryside for their income. They don't appreciate 'townies' frightening their sheep, defecating at random or setting fire to the heather and bracken.

    You might also like to consider the following slogan dating from the 60s. Keep Britain tidy! Take your litter home.

  6. You are only allowed to camp in designated camp sites.  And your certainly NOT allowed to have an open fire in front of your tent.

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