
Are you allowed to cheat on your wife if she has 10 past lovers?

by  |  earlier

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how about 20?






  1. Here's a question for you . Why do you have 4 questions on just page 1 ?

    And a couple of your questions make absolutely no sense . This question is a good example .

    Are you that bored ?

  2. No because that would be considered the past, so if it is the past you should have known not to marry someone who was so free spirited in this regard, thus if you know now you would have known then...

    Cheating is cheating...  No No NO...


    And I wont call you a Yerk anymore...  Well, OK I will try not to call you Yerk anymore...  :o)

  3. no,  

  4. !0 lovers or 1,000 lovers, if they were all BEFORE you got married, then NO, you cannot cheat on your wife. But... if she has had lovers since the 2 of you got married, then I suggest you get some counseling, and evaluate your relationship to see if it is worth saving, 2 wrongs dont make a right.....

  5. no thats not a reason to cheat!

  6. Past lovers?  As in, before she met you?

    Of course not.  If you didn't want to marry a woman with a bunch of experience, then you shouldn't have.  Just because I got my freak on for 15 years before I met my husband doesn't mean I don't deserve fidelity.

    Bizarre logic.

  7. I wonder if when people go to church on Sundays the pastor..or priest says you call people  you don't agree with Jerks or pigs...

    Yes I'm talking about you heart...I don't see anything in this questions that called anyone words to that effect

  8.   if all was in the past then thats where that should stay, in the past. no matter how much lovers.i feel that you saw alot of good qualities in her that brought you to marry this women. thats what i would focus on.take care...

  9. by the look of your pic i understand why

  10. Looking for an excuse to cheat, is that it? Hmmmm..... With your handsome dark looks, the ladies must simply be THROWING themselves at you, right? I  mean who couldn't resist those looks, that amazing hot bod (I bet you've got abs of steel and buns to match!), and your WICKED sense of humor. I'm sure temptation from the ladies abounds in your life. You could always say the temptation was too great... if you get caught!

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