
Are you allowed to donate blood if you're a smoker?

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I want to register to make regular blood donations, seems silly not to do something that will hardly affect me but will make such a difference to someone else. But I smoke about 10 cigarettes a day, will this affect this?

(Please no advice to 'quit smoking', I want to and have been trying to for ages and have cut down a great deal but sadly I have rubbish willpower and it isn't that easy for me.)




  1. Although your haemoglobin is not as good as a person who doesn't smoke but as far as I know you can donate blood

  2. Sadly, I have smoked for years, but I am a blood donor.

  3. Ooh, that's a good question!  I'll bet you could... They may ask that you not smoke for that day or something... I'm not sure! Sorry!

  4. At our donation site, yes you can donate.  But things are changing in the near future so I'm not sure.

    The only thing is, after you donate blood, you'll have to go with out smoking for the rest of the day.  You may get light headed if you smoke too soon after.

    P.S. this is for blood that will be used at hospitals, not blood that you are paid to donate for other medical services.

  5. Yes you can donate blood if you are a smoker.  Go ahead and register and start doing something good for others!

    Good for you.

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