
Are you allowed to have cats on a army base?

by Guest34251  |  earlier

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We just got a kitten and my husband is going in the army and we need to know if we can take our kitten with us on the base?!




  1. Yes you can, there is no Army regulation forbidding a little p***y on the base.

  2. Yes, most base housing allows pets.  There is generally a two pet limit.

    EDIT:   I forgot to mention:  All bases require that vaccinations be up to date.   Some bases require all animals to be microchipped as well.  If you base has a vet, they  can do vaccinations and microchipping.  Annual vaccinations run around $50 and the microchipping is under $20.  All animals must have collars with tags and be on leashes when outside.

  3. Yes you can take your kitten on base with you.  There's nothing that says you can't.  If you put it outside...I'm not sure how that works with animals wandering around.  But as long as you keep it indoors, it's not a problem.  

    Tom: pun of the century right

  4. depends on the housing.  some housing units are pet free.


  5. Yes, you are allowed to have cats.  You just can't et it roam around the neighborhood, and it must have a collar with identification tags.

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