
Are you allowed to pick up a US flag after it's dropped?

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Are you allowed to pick up a US flag after it's dropped?




  1. Yes. The whole idea of "don't let it touch the ground" is that the flag should be treated RESPECTFULLY at all times, which means NOT dragging it on the ground, or displaying it while it is heavily soiled.

    Do you have to "burn it" after it touches the ground... no.  Not by law, and not by US Flag Code.

    HOWEVER, when it has become faded/soiled/tattered and can not longer be flown as the proud symbol that it is... it should be disposed of RESPECTFULLY, not tossed into the trash where it would be seen laying in a heap of garbage.

    ALSO.... all you "consumers" out there.... the US flag should NEVER be printed on ANYTHING DISPOSABLE, where it will end up in the trash.   So... no more "flag napkins" or "flag paper plates" for your 4th of July cookouts.   Let your stores know they should NOT be carrying such products.

  2. No, you have to leave it there so cars will run over it, and animals will leave droppings on it, and the fabric will rot under the weather, etc.

  3. Accidents happen, that's why we buy insurance, say we're sorry,

    and pick up dropped things we want to hold and to have.  By all means, pick that flag up!

  4. A flag should always be used properly, and respect properly. This is America and you should always treat the flag with respect. A US flag if dropped or even touched on the ground, should be burned, but that is only is it's of regulated size.

  5. You better pick it up!!!

  6. yes

    otherwise there'd be US flags just laying around

  7. Only to properly dispose of it.

  8. you can take this flag and put up it up. if allowed, you should do it with courtesy. If not, let leave it.

    You can ask for permission to take it from someone around you if possible.

  9. There are ZERO laws governing the US flag

    there are protocols that describe how the flag should be displayed and handled

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