
Are you allowed to use a graphing calculator in college?

by Guest32773  |  earlier

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In what state do you attend college? What college do you attend? What year did you take college algebra?




  1. It depends on the Professor, last semester we were not aloud to use one at all.  This semester we can only use a normal one.  

  2. Your professor will tell you if you are allowed.  Some will not allow it on tests, some will.  Some teachers may not allow it at all.  Its entirely up to your professor and math department.

  3. Arizona State University and it depends on the class and on the teacher. In most cases you can use a TI-83 but never can you use a TI-89 on a test. I would suggest getting a TI-83

  4. Get the TI-84 Plus Silver Edition.

  5. In what state do you attend college?

    Texas woooooooo

    What college do you attend?

    Texas State University- San Marcos.  One of Americas top 15 colleges in the Southwestern Region! FYI

    What year did you take college algebra?

    I'm taking it right now!

    My school recommends that students buy a TI 84 Graphing Calculator.  I have a pink one, but color doesn't matter.  Its actually a TI84 Plus Silver Edition.  I would say check with your professor and school, but I  think that you should be able to use it.

    Hope I helped.

  6. Francis Marion University in South Carolina

    I never took college algebra.  However, I did take a variety of math courses above that.

    Most universities require you have TI-83.  These calculators are about $100 a pop and required make sure you have back-ups.  

    In the classes that I took, the professor actually had a clear TI-83 that she used on an overhead and she showed you all the steps in order to do everything.  Everyone says that some professors don't allow you, but I don't see that happening.  Unless, you enter in on a really low level math that won't allow you to have them simply because the class is too easy to use a calculator.

    Hope that helps.  

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