
Are you allowed to work as a student in France?

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Are you allowed to work as a student in France?




  1. The quick answer is yes the full answer takes a bit longer to explain.

    American students in France can, under certain conditions, obtain a temporary work permit (autorisation provisoire de travail) for part-time work during the summer vacation months or during the academic year. Exceptions: students at the Sorbonne's Cours de Civilisation Française, the Institut Catholique and the Alliance Française, or any other school which does not provide French Social Security medical insurance coverage, are not eligible for temporary work permits.

    Students, over the age of 18, who are enrolled in courses at the University level in France, may work a total of 830 hours during a one-year period on the basis of a 35 hour work week. Students may not work full time for more than 3 consecutive months during the year. Long term (CDI) and short term contracts (CDD) are permitted.

    Temporary work permits are usually given to students who do not have sufficient private resources to pursue their studies. Thus, recipients of student grants or scholarships and those who have sufficient financial means are not authorized to have temporary work permits.

    Students must provide the following documents in order to apply for a temporary work permit (autorisation provisoire de travail) or A.P.T.:

    • Photocopy of the valid long-stay visa and the title page, including photo, name, date and place of birth, validity;

    • Photocopy of the valid student identification card;

    • Original university registration form (attestation d’affiliation de l’ecole);

    • Original letter of employment from employer or copy of the work contract: these documents must be dated within a month of the request for the temporary work permit and must include, the name and address of the applicant, position or job description, the salary and number of working hours, place of work and length of employment;

    • One self-addressed, stamped envelope.

    Those attending a French university can consult the Centre Régional des Oeuvres Universitaires et Scolaires (CROUS) which will have job opportunities on file.

    A good source of information about temporary employment in France is the Centre d’Information et de Documentation Jeunesse (CIDJ) 101 Quai Branly, 75740 Paris Cédex 15, Tel: 01 44 49 12 00. The CIDJ offers a useful information sheet: Reglementation et Recherche d’Emploi pour les Edudiants Etrangers pendant les Vacances Universitaires (No. 5.543.) There are several CIDJ in France.

    The annual grape and other agricultural harvests in France offer opportunities for students for temporary jobs. Also, some summer camps (colonies de vacances) need foreign students because of their language qualifications. Such employment would not come under the 35 hours per week limitation; ask the CIDJ for their information sheet on Travaux Saisonniers Agricoles.

    The Council on International Educational Exchange provides assistance for students seeking employment in accordance with the French Ministry of Labor’s requirements. This program allows international higher education students to obtain the necessary documents to work legally in France. Students on the Work in France program need to have an intermediate, or advanced level of French. Students will be asked to find employment and are free to choose almost any position offered. Program participants typically work as waiters/bartenders, salespersons, teachers, amusement park and hotel staff.


    • Students must be 18 years of age or older;

    • Be registered as a full-time student outside of France;

    • Expect to stay in France no longer than 3-months;

    • Have an intermediate to advanced level of proficiency in French;

    • Have sufficient personal funds to cover initial expenses.

  2. unemployed are over %12 or smth like that in France. It is not easy to find a job. If you are lucky enough you are allowed to work for 15 hours a week. But conditions are horrible. You will find yourself living in a 10m2 square flat for 2 and paying 400 euro for that. And the income is not so brilliant.

  3. Thanks to socialism in France, unemployment is over 15%.

    People who live there cant get a job... so no, dont plan on working.

  4. Yes, small student jobs are available. But do not expect a good income and excellent working conditions...

  5. If what you're looking for is part time work don't count on.  Students in France do not typically have part time jobs and parents don't encourage them too.  From what I've seen with my in-laws and friends of my ex-husband you are generally told to go to school and focus on studies and don't get a job until you graduate.  If it's realistic then get a summer job but not one during the school year.  

    Part time jobs aren't practical because stores are closed on sundays and close much earlier weekday evenings (think 6 or 7pm) then in the states (unlike places like target which are open til 10pm).  Since employers have to pay medical insurance and what not for all employees (not just part time or short term ones) it's usually not worth it for them to hire part-time or summer employees.

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