
Are you aloud to test the novice tests even though you didnt pass the previous ones?

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and is it okay if i take lesson in the isi program then test at the usfsa later?????!!!!!!!!!!




  1. No, you must pass all of the tests prior to Novice before you can test at that level. Same goes when you are about to compete, you must have passed all of the tests under your level before you can compete in the level you wish to compete at.

  2. i think so. but no ur not alowed to test unless u pass the previous tests includingthe mitf.

  3. You're supposed to pass all the levels (no matter how low and easy the first tests may be) first.

    However, there can be exceptions according to what I remember reading from the 1999 USFS rulebook (the rules could have changed). If you are a skater who is clearly a Junior or a Senior but you have never taken any tests, it could be possible to let you skip the freestyle tests. No point in testing your Bunny hops if you have a Triple Salchow. You will probably have to do all of the moves in the field tests though. But from what I know (in Mexico we don't have MITF tests), I think they aren't with music, so it won't be too physically exhausting to do everything at once in the same day.

    The stuff they ask for the MITF tests in lower levels are 5 and 8 step mohawks, power circles (which I don't really see a point to test unless it's for the really lowest level) and in middle levels double 3-turns forwards and backwards both feet and both edges (which is what I've been failing a lot lately >_<) and in the upper Intermediate-Novice levels you need good rockers and counters.

    Talk to your local FS Club to ask them what you need and which is the next opening date for tests in your area.

  4. No, you can not test if you haven't passed the previous levels. you can move on to the novice freestyle level if you have passed the juvenile freestyle but you cannot move onto the novice moves in the field.

  5. You can certainly take ISI lessons and tests before you start USFSA.  When you decide you want to test USFSA, though, you will have to start testing from the beginning (pre-preliminary).  What you've learned in ISI will make the first USFSA tests easier than if you'd just jumped right into USFSA.

    I started in ISI and passed through FS 4.  Now I'm doing USFSA (in addition to continuing in ISI), and I didn't have much trouble with the first couple of tests at all:)

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