
Are you always blamed for things you didnt do??

by  |  earlier

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like me lol :(





  1. mostly

  2. I'm innocent, I never get blamed !i

  3. Salaam.

    omg dont get me started. That happens to me all the time.

  4. Yes,however this can often be caused due to me being too reliable & naive.

  5. w/salaam

    yes, especially if my brothers do something

    the big ones always get blamed


    i hate it

    and my mama and daddy would not listen when i try to explain to them what happened


    ALWAYS!!!!!!! :P

    lool, its always the "blame on Hafsa".  oh if somone does something, "oh its hafsa's fault", most of the time, i'm like wtf :s

  7. fact, my siblings always get blamed for things i do wrong

  8. yes , but not always..

    always love & peace..

  9. haha

    not for me...

    others get blame for what I do!


    but I say it as my fault!

  10. Yah ! My wife thinks Im incest if i talk to My sister ! and a g*y when talk to My friends !

    So i get The Blame all the time !

  11. Yhh all the time!!!!! ='{

  12. Yep being the eldest of my siblings...the blames always on me...their like lil angels despite all their Naughty, cheeky doings.

  13. Yeah......i repeatedly get blamed for doing things that i have NEVER done.  

    Also lieing...i've not lied once to my parents in the past 10 years, but they think i'm lieing 100% of the time.  

  14. Most of the time!!

  15. Walaikum asalam...

    I get blamed for everything as well...

  16. i think a better Q 2 ask would have been are you ever not blamed for things you didn't do... i have a twin beat that

  17. sometimes but alot of times i actually did what i was blamed for hehe

  18. Yeah:(  

  19. Yes! When i was younger! I was like I did not do it.

  20. Not always but sometimes.

  21. yea i got blamed 4 cloning ppl i never cloned

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