
Are you always pick the phone up while you are sleeping?, or you just let it go.?

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Are you always pick the phone up while you are sleeping?, or you just let it go.?




  1. I used to turn it off, but now I get concerned about emergencies. I will answer it, but people generally know not to call me late unless it's an emergency.

  2. My bedroom phone ringer is off ALL the time because our sleeping habits are strange.  My bf works the night-shift, so he sleeps during the day, I work days, so... well... that's why the phone ringer stays OFF.  If a call is truly urgent, then they should leave a message on my answering machine (which is on 24/7, even when we're home), and we will return the call.

    Have a polite day.

  3. When you post another question please re-read it before you hit the submit button.

  4. Yeah, I pick it up if I'm coherent.  You never know, it could be an emergency.

  5. No. I turn off all the phones before going to sleep, so nobody can disturb me.

    People used to call me late at night, and it was annoying.

    It's never nice to be waked up by a cellphone ringer, say, at 3:00 am.

  6. Yes.  I have a feature on my phone that I can turn the ringer off at night but ever since my Son had a horric car accident and they had to come banging on my door I don't shut my phone off anymore.  I do however shut my cell phone off the minute I step out of my car.  My home phone if for the home and my cell phone is for EMERGENCIES when I am out and about...I am not the world's biggest cell phone fan.

    Peace & Love :)

  7. turn it  off when  sleeping. and only  take  messages  on days  off  work.

  8. I almost always turn off all phones/electronic noises when I'm sleeping, unless I'm taking a nap in the daytime and expecting an important work-related call.  But then it's just harder to sleep.  It's best to sleep "unplugged".

  9. I found a solution to this dilemma no phone in the bedroom.

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