
Are you amazed by how insensitive some people can be?

by Guest65062  |  earlier

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Are you amazed by how insensitive some people can be?




  1. I used to be, but not anymore.

  2. Well, peopel are becoming more selfish than usual, it's all about the 'individual' and not about community, because they lack any moral reason behind being nice when it doesn't matter or it doesn't help them.  So being sensitive to other's needs or whatever isn't their priority so they won't care what any consequence is from their actions because the only person they concern themselves with is...well THEMSELVES and anyone in their sect or circle of trust.

    It's always gonna be like that....on occasion you'll find those compassionate to other people and their cause, helping out because they have more meaning to life than just themselves and their own indulgence in it...but you will have many who realize the only peopel that care for them is themselves or the ones they currently know, and will give no regard to anyone else as hey...people live people die..nothign changes...

    A sad but very realistic reality.

  3. You would think I should be, but not at all. In this day and age, it's all about "me."  

  4. No I am not amaze ; people like to be cruel and disrespectful  

  5. yes,

    I would like to know why?  what makes people so insensitive?

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