
Are you amazed by your co-worker's perceived worth of common foods/ foodstuffs?

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I am talking mainly about a corporate setting. You are carrying a plate with a hot slice of pizza on it. Or perhaps you and a couple of co-workers have chipped in for an entire pizza pie.

The looks and comments you get from the other co-workers is remarkable. They tell you how lucky you are, how priviledged you are. They tell you how they can not imagine how you got so lucky.

But the reality of it is......for $12 they can call the local pizzeria and have their very own pie delivered to your place of business. It's not like they have to climb Mt. Everest or take out a 2nd mortgage. Only $12 separates them from a wonderful box of hot, delicious pizza.

What's the big deal?




  1. I bet your avatar never met a pizza it didn't like.  

  2. You're right.  Same thing with donuts.  It's silly.

  3. ONE pizza? Really?!  I don't think a man can get as s**y as you are with just ONE pizza. lol

  4. They may consider you lucky not to have Food Allergies like they do. I for one am allergic to pizza, and to see others eating it, makes me hungry..and jealous. I was always left out of the office picnics, parties, and such, because I couldn't eat anything.

  5. You're in the wrong category Bubba. Try "Food" or something pertinent. ♥ ∞

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