
Are you an Aquarius? Are you random at times? Do you get lost in your thoughts?

by  |  earlier

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Are you short tempered? Do you find yourself doing the opposite of what someone asks you just because?




  1. Wow, you just described me to a t. I have what I call "random moments" all the time. Those consist of me talking about everything and nothing all at once and throwing in all kind of weird words like stupbox. It gets on people's nerves when they're looking for a serious conversation but my friends seem to like these moments. It's like hanging with a silly drunk =o) I'm also very easily agitated but I usually hold it in and then just keep holding it in until I erupt at the littlest thing. And yes, I sometimes do the opposite of what people tell me to do just because I don't like being told what to do. You must have a few Aquarian friends because your descriptions are dead on I swear!

  2. No, Yes, What?

    Yes and Maybe

  3. yes  i am an aquarius and i like the unpredictible, i am short tempered  only when people ask more then they diserve and i don't get lost in my thoughts  i just get numb because i'm bored  

  4. Haha!

    I have an Aquarius friend that's exactly what you just described. At the least, shes a rebel. She doesn't care about what others think, and people admire her for it. Shes IS very random. Always making up new, crazy phrases. She doesn't put up with mean people. She needs her space a lot as well. She can be very short-tempered, but she never yells at people who she considers a friend.

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