
Are you an EMPATH, if so then please answer this question for 10 points ?

by  |  earlier

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It is critical. I have a friend, who is involved in an abusive relationship.

She met this guy at college, and she let him move in after only 30 days. Then things took a turn for the worse. He started checking her

emails, and her cell phone numbers. She can't go too far from home.

And she doesn't have any friends. Her family is not in good standing

either. She is very depressed now, and even started smoking again.

I can't speak with her, because she may get hurt if I contact her. The

last time we talked was June 25th, via telephone. This was while she

was in the middle of a fight with this abusive man. Then she was gone,

the line went dead. She has not been on Yahoo Answers either since

then. What do you feel ? What is going on with her situation right now ? AND is she doing ok, or is she coping with this the best way

she knows how ?




  1. a true empath has to kno the person..or at least have to meet them to keep track of them. I hope your freind is ok, but i'd suggest callign her family, letting them knwo what is going on, and maybe getting the police involved

  2. you need to either report the situation or you take matters into your own hands........she i sprobably still getting abused and once he starts he wont be able to stop beating her so i think you need to do something about uit.

  3. Seriously dude - how many times are you going to post this s**t about this girl here this time around?  How do you think this helps her?

    If you know what college she goes to, how about contacting her school and explaining that you had been in regular contact with your friend, that she reported to you that her boyfriend was abusing her and that your call was cut off on 6/25 and you haven't heard from her since and you are concerned for her safety.  Or the local authorities in her area, or track down her family. Tell someone that can actually help her!  We here can't do anything - we don't know this gal!  

    If you are so concerned, do something about it.  And this isn't it - this is not going to help her one bit.

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