

by  |  earlier

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Well. In case you don't know the story. There has been some new

information about the safety of my friend. Remember I told you she

was with this guy who was abusive to her. AND he was into crafts,

and magic, and all that stuff. OK. She has now moved to another

apartment complex, not too far from the university she attends. The

man also has moved in with her. So now she is completely under his

control, as the predator has isolated his prey. He still checks her emails, and her cell phone numbers. I see a dark soul here. And oppressive being, who will stop at nothing to hurt this woman. She is

alone, and afraid for her life. What can you see now ? How does she

feel about her new place, and her life with this man today ?




  1. Maybe you&#039;re just seeing the situation wrong; she could be perfectly happy and not under his control?

  2. I don&#039;t know where you live or what the circumstances are but I already told you who to contact concerning voodoo spells and she can do a counter spell for you...other than that, I can&#039;t comment...

  3. I agree with someone else who asked how many MORE times you&#039;re going to post this question.  You are the one who looks like the sociopath here; many people have given you some good advice over the past several days/weeks about this girl, but you still keep coming back here and posting the same nonsense to strangers who CAN&#039;T DO ANYTHING FOR HER.  If you really want to h elp this girl, then you need to find some way to get her alone and talk to her about what&#039;s going on, and not relying on the feelings of people you don&#039;t even know.

    And by the way, you mentioned several posts ago that you called the police, did you happen to mention that you&#039;ve been posting all these pleas for help from empaths/intuitives?  I&#039;m sure that would help your case.

  4. How many times are you going to post this question?You are starting to look like a stalker.

  5. my answer is the same as last time... get help for this girl. no one is &quot;completely under&quot; anyones control unless they choose to be. you need to get this girl aside and talk to her. it&#039;s really hard to sense anything just from a story on a screen. you need to talk to her. talk to a counselor and tell him your feelings and he can help you figure out what to say to this woman. get a hold of battered women advocates to see what they can do to help you, they can&#039;t help her unless she says so. I&#039;ve added you to my yahoo... if you&#039;d like to add me... skcsarah and I&#039;m on msn too. good luck to  your friend.

  6. she needs your straighted to its called a transfer of mind power look it up voodoo is not a fun thing so you will need to be stronger for her also it might be a good idea to protect her new place and theres a way that you can do it with out him finding out and tell the girl you love her already good luck and you know where to find me  

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