
Are you an INSIGHTFUL or INTUITIVE person, then can you answer this for 10 points please ?

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Hello world. Well you may already know the story. Here

are the latest details. My exgirlfriend was involved in an

abusive relationship. I told you that the man she was

with was into voodoo. He is from Africa. The country

of Nigeria. They go to the same university, he is a student there. He moved in with her, and things got worse. She became depressed, and even started

smoking again. He checks her emails, and cell phone

numbers, too. Then she was forced to end all forms

of communication with me on June 25th, 2008. Fast

forward, she added me as a contact on last Monday.

Right here on Yahoo Answers ! She did not say anything. But I read her questions. She talked about her problems with money and stuff. Also she is not having s*x with him either, she does not want to.

Bascially she is in trouble. She also wanted to know how she could change her email password, too.

What do you think ? What does this woman think about

me right now ? And how does she feel about her life ?




  1. Go there and extract her from that situation, it's the only thing you could do that really matters.

  2. man, seriously get a grip. you really need to stop pining after her. all you can really do is be a friend to her, and thats it. remember she's the one that entered this relationship with this guy, who may or may not be an absolute jacka*ss. if you want to do something, then try talking to her as a friend, and stop being so selfish as to always think of this from your own perspective, and start thinking about it from the persepctive of a friend who wants to help for no other motive than to help.

  3. First of all, she's with this guy for a reason. She likes him and he likes her. He might have some nasty habits but the truth is that she's made a choice to be with him and not you. The ONLY thing you can do is remain open to being friends with her. She's content and comfortable where she is. It might not be the best situation for her but its want she wants now. If she's in a bad relationship then she's keeping herself there and voodoo has little to do with it. I've practiced magick for years and I know. She's added you as a friend but don't read too much into it. She's not treating you very well if she stopped talking to you because of another guy. He didn't make her do anything. She stopped talking to you because she wanted him to be happy and pushed your feelings aside. Don't see her as a victim. She's an adult and you need to be careful that she won't play with your feelings. Some women will do this and you can end up getting very hurt.  

  4. I already answered this question this morning ><

  5. Are you sure the guy isn't just a b*stard?

    His 'spell' may have been nothing more than intimidation.

  6. I think she is seeking help the only way she knows how. She change her email password by going to options on her email account. Don't give up on her. I think if you really love her then you need to be there no matter what. Good Luck.  

  7. Interesting....

    This man is not keeping her there with magick. She is there on her own free will and even if he is doing something it doesn't seem to be why she is still there.

    Furthermore it seems that this is an important time in her life. An opportunity for her to learn and grow. You cannot, or should not, interfere at this moment and only be there for her when and if she needs you. other than that you need to stay out of the way because there is something for her to learn from all of this, Lesson being to take on decipline and to choose what she knows as  being better for her.

    It also seems that things will eventually fall into place and she will move on.

    Hope this helps.


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