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do you consider yourself a true INTROVERT? EXTROVERT? OR MIX OF BOTH?

and what sign are you?




  1. Actually people are not precisely introvert or extrovert...We all are a mixture and we get to be more or less one of these...Plus that cannot be decided for like all the time...One could be introvert now and here but tomorrow could dance on the table and wear a pink T-shirt along with a cowboy hat!

    I consider myself most of the time introvert and I am sagittarius.At least I was born one...I will scare you if I tell you that you are no longer the same sign like in the moment you were born... :))

  2. well, i used to be introvert when i was little but over the years i became a bit more extrovert and still becoming more so. im 16 and i say im more extrovert at the moment. coz i like environments with heaps of people(yes, including school...)

    libra sun

    aqua moon

    aqua rising

  3. A mixture of both. There are times when I'm really sociable and there are times when I'm more of a loner. I'm a Capricorn. :)

  4. i'm an introvert trying to be an extrovert, and once in a while it works. so.. mix?

    and i'm a virgo. :]

  5. I would say that I'm a mix of both depending on the situation. Though I feel that I tend to lean a bit more to the extroverted side. I'm not really shy at all, but sometimes I feel awkward in certain environments.


  6. I would say a mix of both


  7. I'm a lil bit of both..Depending on the social situation and my mood.

    At a social gathering, I tend to be more of an extrovert becoming the center of attention.

    At company meetings, I'm more of an introvert cuz I find meetings to be very boring which makes me feel sleepy and lazy...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...

  8. Actually I like chicks so I'm straight and my sign is the little arrow coming out of a circle. All man here.

  9. A mix of both.

    At times I can be the life of the party if I'm comfortable, other times I want to hideaway for the rest of my life.

    Libra sun/Aries moon/ Libra rising

  10. Introvert/Cancer

  11. What are these?level of socializing?

    I am very sociable.

    Leo sun

    Sag moon

    Aquarius rising

  12. I'm definitely an introvert, I love my alone time and I don't too much enjoy crowded places. But I'm extroverted and very talkative around everyone who I allow into my circle.

    So.. oddly, both!

  13. This is really, really freaky.  I was just going to post the same question today. I think that some people are too complex to be 'shoved' into one specific category.

    I think that I'm a mix of both - Gemini.

    Do you feel that you 'must' be either one or the other?

  14. A mix of Both

    I am a Virgo: Sept 13th.

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