
Are you an INTUITIVE or INSIGHTFUL person if so then answer this for 10 points ?

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Hello world. What a difference a few days make. Guess what ? She came back. So let me just start off by saying I told you so. About

3 days ago my exgirlfriend added me as a contact on Yahoo Answers.

I forgot about her and went on about my business. Had a lot of fun

doing that, too. But she seems to still be very attatched to me in more

ways than I thought. She is in a relationship with an abusive man.

She let him move in after only 30 days. Things took a turn for the worse. She became depressed, and even started smoking again. She also tried to keep in touch by calling me via telephone. Her boyfriend

got in an altercation with her verbally. Then she said she could not

talk to me anymore. This was the last week in June 08. I have not heard from her until Monday, when I checked my inbox. There was

her avatar right there, and I could see her questions, too. What do

you think ? How is she feeling about me right now this moment ?




  1. what? why don't you ask her?

  2. My first honest impression; psycho stalker.

    But I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and just think of you as a guy in love, which often give the same impression as a psycho stalker. One of the problems is you cannot see yourself from the outside.

    I'm seeing that you will have an opportunity to be with her again very soon (within 5 days). When I say 'be with her' I do mean intimately. Right now you are probably thinking that's a very good thing, but it isn't necessarily. You need to ask yourself a very hard question before you see her again; why is she with him and not you?

    My cards say she wants you both, bodies and souls. She enjoys the attention, the drama, the s*x and the money. She knows how to use her good looks to her advantage.

    By the 15th of this month she will have yet another boyfriend.

    Is there something you can do to make her yours, and yours alone?

    Yes. If you write me with an open mind I'll tell you the only way I see this is possible.

  3. Why do you think this section is your personal blog?  Why do you think we care?  Get a MySpace page already!!

  4. Abuse is not a cycle that rights itself automatically. She will come back to you, but it isn't likely she will be through with this abuser UNTIL she understands why she allowed him in her life in the first place. She will keep you hanging because she's afraid to not have you waiting in the wings. Wish I had a better answer for you.

  5. beware of women on the rebound.  She was looking for something else before, when she gets over that guy she may start looking again and move on.

    If your fortunate she learned something and perhaps things may work out.  

    Walk on eggs.

  6. Women in abusive relationships often seek "safety nets."  This does not mean she is interested in pursuing a relationship with you, just that you are a soft place to fall, so to speak. Don't put too much in it, but be prepared to be a friend.

  7. ..

  8. The question really is 'how is she feeling about herself right now?'  She isn't sure what she wants, and instead of looking to herself for the confidence she needs, she is looking to others for it, to no avail, which will always leave one feeling empty and depressed no matter who is involved.  

    We should always look to ourselves 'first' and encourage ourselves 'first,' believe in ourselves 'first' before we can even begin to seek a relationship with someone of the same caliber, 'hopefully.'  :)

    If you were a fabulous boyfriend or just friend, you would help her realize her own space and encourage it for her, help her stand on her own two feet, 'no strings attached.'

    "That" is true honor......

  9. She just did it to keep an eye on your stalking behavior.  It's important to know how psycho someone on Y!A is about you.  She's reading these questions saying "this guy is f-ing WHACK."

  10. I think you should just go over there and whoop that dude's butt and get her back.  

    What's stopping you?  

    You've been asking roughly the same question for 6 weeks and nobody is able to answer it because there is no such thing as psychics.

    You need to help yourself, dude, cause there is nobody who can tell you what will happen and no magical solution to any of this.

    So man up and go take care of business.

  11. She probably thinks you've abandoned her, and perhaps you are, even if you didn't realize/mean to. However, she's her own person, and she makes her own decisions. Is she forced to stay in that environment, I don't know. I say it's up to her.

  12. Sometimes we like to have our cake and eat it too.  She tried out a new relationship and it didn't work out so she came back to you.  That's nice but you should draw a line between being used because it's not fair to you for her to come back then when things get tough, go back to the other one and back and forth.  Good luck.

  13. 2 things come to mind here; the first is that she left you because it felt right and the second is that she might regret it for the wrong reasons. What if going back to you is just a way out of her turbulent relationship? She sounds like a very insecure person if she stays in this new relations and if she left you and went straight into this relationship. I think YOU have to decide whether to pursue it or not...What is in YOUR interests?

  14. the thing is...DOES ANYONE CARE?

  15. She's realizing that she made a BIG mistake, and that no matter what problems she may have had with you, it was NOTHING compared to what she could have gotten (and did, as it happened).

  16. Wow, that is drama.

    Obviously, she is feeling:

    Scared, because she is with an abusive man.

    Guilty because she still has feelings for you.

    Worried that this is it for the rest of her life

    Pained, because she is torn between the two of you.

    I think that maybe you should pay for her to have counselling and after that ask her to leave you alone, and enjoy the rest of her life without you.

    Good luck, I hope everything works out for you =]

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